Chapter 27 - An exercise in futility

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 27 – An exercise in futility.

No One's POV

After leaving Serapis to his fate, Jade got in the van and drove back towards the city. But she did so, with a heavy heart. With each passing minute and mile, Jade got closer and closer to what she summed up as her final duty.

It was something she hated to even consider, but now she had no choice.

Jade was going to destroy Tori.

The thought of her beautiful, sweet and loving Tori as a soulless vampire, sickened Jade beyond imagination. So much so, she would rather destroy Tori than leave her that way. She would not allow her innocent Tori to take a life.

Jade cried on an off all the way back into the city. Her emotional turmoil was so great; it overshadowed her multitude of physical injuries and the intense pain that went with them.

Soon she crossed the bridge into Manhattan and got closer and closer to Tori. By now Jade estimated Tori would rise as a vampire in less than 3 hours.

As heart breaking as it was, Jade's plan was very simple. She would be there when her beloved opened her eyes, tell Tori how beautiful and special she was, tell her how much she loved her and then shove a stake directly through Tori's heart.

After which, Jade didn't bother to think about all that much. She briefly pondered greeting the morning sun and let it finish her off. A part of her wanted to go to one of the clubs that the vampires hang out at and see just how many she could destroy, before they brought her down.

Regardless, Jade no longer cared what happened to her.

Beside herself with grief, Jade sped down the city streets towards home. It was just past 1 in the morning and Jade could see more than one happy person stumble in or out of a bar.

"Happiness." Jade said sadly, knowing she would never feel that emotion again.

However, as she sped down the street, she saw a man walking down the sidewalk, coming in her direction.

When she saw the priest's collar she slammed on the brakes, though at the time she had no idea why. She sat there for a moment in the street, until someone behind her beeped his horn. Again, for reasons she didn't quite understand, Jade quietly pulled over to the curb and got out.

It was then she realized she was parked in front of a church. Jade quickly guessed he was walking from the church to his quarters nearby.

The priest himself was probably about 40 years old and had short black hair and a friendly face. Jade guessed he was probably Hispanic in ancestry. Jade tried to remember how many priests and holy men she'd killed, but quickly gave up when the priest called out.

"Are you ok?" he said as he stopped about 15 feet away.

Jade took a step, but her bad knee nearly gave out, causing her to stumble. The priest quickly ran to aid Jade.

Seeing the battered, bruised and blood covered face of Jade, his eyes went wide. "Oh my...what on earth happened to you? Have you been assaulted?" He said with obvious concern.

Before Jade could say anything, he spotted the fangs and red eyes. His demeanor quickly changed to a defensive one, as he quickly backed off and pulled out his cross. "You're a vampire!"

Jade looked away from the cross and backed up, as a thought formed in her head. "I won't hurt you."

"You expect me to believe that?" The priest said, incredulously.

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