Chapter 29 - Lost soul

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 29 – Lost soul.

No One's POV.

Seeing Tori holding the crying Jade, Father Ramirez quickly felt as if he was intruding on a private moment. While he had many questions about Jade, Tori and what happened, he decided it would be best to put them off.

A miracle had occurred and he was actually looking very forward to telling his superiors. The whole night in fact had been one to remember. Beyond his own excitement, he needed some time to sort things out in his mind. He was also sure Tori and Jade needed the same.

"Miss Tori. I think maybe its best that I give you some privacy and return to my church. But that said, I am so glad....that's not even the right word. " Father Ramirez seemed to think for a moment. "Awe inspiring what I've seen tonight. From Jade returning the Cross of Damascus, her utterly selfless act of love to the fact that' you've been saved from what we'll simply describe as a horrible fate. I'm blown away to put it simply. Thank you for letting me be a part of it."

Tori looked up at Father Ramirez with a smile. "Thank you, Father. Thank you for returning Jade to me. I'm just glad she's in one piece. Here, let me see you out."

Jade at this point looked up at Tori with terror in her eyes, as she quickly gripped Tori ever tighter. ...Don...Don't.....they take you again....don't leave me."

Tori quickly reassured the frightened Jade in a soft calm voice. "I'm just seeing him out. I'll call down to the security guard at the desk in the lobby to call him a cab. I'll be back in a minute. You just rest and I'll be right back. Is that, ok?"

Jade then rather reluctantly let go with a whimper, after which Tori gently put her into bed. Tori then led Father Ramirez out to the elevator.

"Let me ask you, Miss Tori. How are you? I know you are you spiritually and mentally, but you are physically a vampire. I can't imagine that would be easy." Father Ramirez asked as they arrived at the elevator.

Tori at this point let her smile fade as she sighed. "I feel almost as scrambled as Jade. I have urges and feelings I don't understand. It's a bit overwhelming, but I think me having to nurse Jade back to help, may have a silver lining."

Father Ramirez raised an eyebrow. "How do you mean?"

"It will give me something for me to focus on while I get used to this. Come to terms with it. I'm not human anymore and I have to get used to that." Tori said in a somewhat depressed voice.

Father Ramirez put a hand on Tori's shoulder. "Faith and love will get you through this. I'll be glad to speak to you at any time, if you need my help. Day or night. I'm at your service." He then handed Tori his business card. Tori then grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from a nearby table, wrote her number down and handed it to father Ramirez.

A bit of a smile returned to Tori's face. "Thank you. Oh, one thing. I'm guessing that your superiors may want to speak with Jade. I'm afraid I can't allow anyone else to see her. She's very fragile and in any case, a very private person. If other people, strangers come in here, I have no idea how she'd react. It could set her back or even worse, she could hurt someone. If you don't mind, as far as Jade and the church goes, I'd like you to be our go between. She knows you and seems to trust you. If that's ok with you?

"Of course, I understand completely. I'd be glad to serve as a go between. Your request is quite sensible."

A moment later the elevator arrived and Tori with her key, programmed it to go to the main lobby.

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