Chapter 7 - Be careful what you wish for

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 7 - Be careful what you wish for.

No One's POV

Tori for the next several days was tense and scared. Though Jade vanished from the alley, she remained terrified that the Goth Vampire would pop up and drag her, to her doom. She even had several nightmares about it. She avoided taking her breaks in the alley since that night. She just didn't feel comfortable there. Instead, she would just sit at an empty booth in the back of the restaurant. But even worse than the fear, was the extreme hurt. She had fallen hard and her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest.

The fact that Jade had watched her without her knowing it, now creeped her out. She was constantly afraid that Jade would do something.

But nothing happened. No phone calls, no texts, no Jade, no anything. But still she remained afraid of being secretly watched as she had before.

She gradually began to relax a bit, but most of the fear remained. More time past, a week, 2 weeks, than a whole month went past. After what she once thought was the happiest time of her life, Tori found herself in misery.

She was scared, nervous, lonely and depressed. That shadow out of the corner of her eye she used to catch; Tori hadn't seen it in some time. But still she wondered if Jade was watching. Jade had promised to leave her alone, but Tori severely doubted the word of a vampire.

She got her answer one cold night, just over a month after telling Jade to leave. It was late October and Tori got off at her normal time of 4:00 Am. She put on her coat and started to walk to the bus stop. But not before pulling out her cross necklace that she wore every day.

She was about halfway to the bus stop when she heard a series of foot steps behind her. Part of her was sure it was Jade, so Tori spun around to see who was coming up behind her.

It wasn't Jade. It was a short stocky man with a scraggly beard. Before Tori could get one word out of her mouth, the man ran up and punched her in the face. Tori saw stars and was pushed to the ground. At the same time, she felt a tugging at her purse and a second later realized it had been pulled from her.

Tori quickly pulled herself off the ground and looked to see the man running off. In his hand was her purse. He just kept going and disappeared down the street.

Tori, half in shock fell back to the ground as she realized her purse had just been snatched. it contained her keys, wallet, phone, makeup, everything. It was all gone and now Tori didn't even have money for bus fare.

Unlike last time, there was no dark figure coming out of the shadows to rescue her. The man punched her, knocked her down, stole her purse and ran off. As Tori sat there, beginning to cry, she knew there was no doubt about it.

Jade was gone and she was alone. What she had wanted most was to be left alone. She thought that if she never saw Jade again, she wouldn't be afraid. Now that she got her wish, not only did she realize she was nowhere near free from fear, she realized she had grown attached to having a protector.


As Tori now knew, Jade had kept her word and stayed away. Not that she didn't want to see Tori, the only thing the heartbroken vampire wanted was to see Tori. But Tori didn't want to see her, so the only thing Jade could do was stay away. She didn't want to break her promise to Tori.

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