Chapter 9 - Decisions

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me

Chapter 9 - Decisions

No One's POV

As a courtesy, the council had sent a limo to pick up Jade and take her to the estate on Long Island where the party was being held. Jade guessed the estate probably belonged to one of the council members itself. Like her, they were all very rich and powerful.

As she rode, Jade glanced out the window watching the world pass by and thought briefly of Tori. Too painful, Jade shunted the thought to the back of her mind and set about fixing herself a drink from the bar. Still a part of Jade's mind suspected a trap. Jade went anyway, figuring she had nothing left to lose.

After about 45 minutes of driving Jade arrived at large gated estate on Long Island. As the Limo drove through the gates, Jade punched down one final drink. She had attended many of these types of gatherings in ages past, but hadn't in some 250 years. She suspected however little had changed. Not all the vampires in existence would be there, but all the council, all the clan leaders and a number of others would be in attendance.

After driving up the walk, the Limo glided to a halt in front of a large mansion. It looked more like a palatial country estate you'd see in Europe, made of brick. The driver opened the door and Jade stepped out. Looking around she could see a number of other limos and expensive cars.

Jade purposely timed it, so she would arrive after most if not all the guests had arrived. A man in a tuxedo came up to Jade and bowed, but not before giving her attire an odd look.

"Mistress Jade. If you could please follow me. I will take you to the celebration. The others have already arrived."

"Thank you." Jade said as he followed the man inside.

Through the mansion which appeared to be deserted, he led her until he came to a panel. He pushed a hidden button and a secret door opened, to show an elevator. The man entered the elevator and inserted a key into the panel. A moment later the door closed and Jade could feel the elevator start to go down.

Jade had only hummed a few bars of Aerosmith's love in an elevator, before they arrived at her destination.

She walked out onto what appeared to the upper level of a large open room. In front of her was a stairway going down into the main part of the room. The room itself was had black and red walls and Jade could see hundreds of flickering candles all along the walls, between various pieces of Gothic type artwork.

From the sound of conversation Jade could tell that the party was already in full swing.

Jade looked to the man. "You what I always hated about these events. They always took themselves so god dam seriously."

The man nodded politely. "Are you ready for me to announce you, Mistress Jade?"

"Go for it."

Jade walked forward until she got to the top of the stairs. It led down into a large open room. She could see dozens of vampires, all dressed in fancy Goth Vampire like clothes. They were milling about and talking amongst themselves. There was a bar and various tables. At one end of the room was a raised platform with 7 ornate chairs. In 5 of the 7 chairs Jade could see had vampires sitting in them. That was the current council. Extending off to the left and right from the stage were wings which were slightly lower. A number of chairs sat there as well. Jade knew that was where clan leaders would sit.

The man Jade was with came to the top of the stairs and loudly made an announcement. "Presenting Mistress Jade. Co-founder of Clan Eire and its' former head."

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