Chapter 14 - A golden heart

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me

Chapter 14 - A golden heart.

No One's POV

Just after the women ordered their food, Tori looked over at Jade and pulled a small box out of her purse. With a look of pride, she slid it across the table.

Feeling eager to see what was inside, Jade picked up the box and opened it. Inside was a small golden locket in the shape of a heart, on a gold chain. Though simple, she thought it quite beautiful. The fact that it was from Tori, only enhanced its intrinsic value to Jade.

Jade quickly smiled. "I love it. Is this for me?"

Tori blushed slightly and nodded. "I had gotten this before our little break, but never had the chance to give it to you. Or ask the question that went along with it. I'd...I'd...." Tori blushed even more, turning red. "I'm so nervous. Would you be my girlfriend? Officially."

Tori then got even more nervous and started to shake. Realizing Tori was about to melt down, Jade reached across the table and quickly took her hand. "Yes."

Tori let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry I freaked out a bit. I'm so happy."

Jade held her hand for a moment, then released it and took the pendant out of the box. With a very satisfied look, Jade held the golden heart up to the light where it glistened. Jade then carefully it around her neck. "Perfect."

"I know it's nothing fancy. I saved up some of my tip money and bought it at the mall. You drive a Ferrari, so I guess you are used to more expensive things."

"Stop that Tori. I love it. It's from you and a symbol of how you feel for me. It's priceless."

"Thank you, Jade. That means a lot." Suddenly a thought jumped into Tori's head. "I keep meaning to ask you this. The night you rescued me from Angela you remarked something about what you were going to do that night. I'm curious, what was it."

Jade quickly averted her eyes. "Nothing, it was nothing."

Tori immediately sensed Jade was not being honest. "Jade! Please tell me. I'm your girlfriend now. No secrets."

Jade sighed and slumped in her chair. "I was going to kill myself. Had I not heard you were in trouble, I would have been dead the next morning."

Tori gasped in horror. "Jade! Why?"

"After you rejected me, I quickly fell into a very deep depression. I had grown very tired of my existence. You were the only thing that I looked forward to. You gave me a reason to go on. With you gone, everything seemed hollow and empty. I had planned to watch the sunrise. It would have been over in short order." Jade said with a very sad look.

Tori quickly became upset. "Jade! No. I'm so sorry I treated you like I did. I didn't know I had that effect on you. Please forgive me."

Jade shook her head. "No. It's my fault. I wasn't honest about who I was. What I was. I was afraid. You see the others of my kind. Their soulless so it never seems to bother them. Actually, nothing seems to bother them."

Tori reached and took Jade's hand. "Please promise me you won't even think of doing that."

"You've given me reason to go on again. With you, everything is...." Jade appeared to think for a moment. "Wonderful."

"So you were depressed without me?"

"Yes. I was even more of a hermit than I normally am."

"You didn't go out at all?"

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