Chapter 19 - All I was

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Disclaimer: The Show Victorious, it's characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to Watch over me.

Chapter 19 – All I was.

No One's POV

Tori had been living with Jade for a week and couldn't be happier. Jade herself ,was just as happy to have her angel with her all the time. It was early evening and the two were sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching TV.

"Oh Jade. I forgot to tell you. My sister Trina called me today. Her husband has a business trip to New York. She was thinking of tagging along and coming to visit me."

Jade couldn't help but smirk. "I was wondering when I'd meet the family. Do tell. Whatever did you say about me?"

"Well....Um... I told them, you that you were well off and were very much a night owl and were extremely busy during day hours. She wants to meet you. I said we could have dinner. I hope you don't mind."

"No. You won't be able to hide me forever. I'll be on my best behavior. No Bodies. I promise."

Tori let out a little squeal of delight. "Great. I even get to see my little niece. She's 11 months old. I haven't seen her since she was a newborn."

Jade nodded and with a rather subdued expression, looked to the TV.

"You can hold the baby too. I trust you. Though I may need to show you how to properly hold a baby. Can't have you dropping my niece. For once something I can show you." Tori said in jest.

Instantly Jade extracted herself from Tori's arms, stood up and gave Tori a rather angry glare. "So you are going to show me how to hold a baby. Because Vampires don't know anything about holding babies, right?"

Tori was a taken aback by Jade's sudden and rather angry reaction. "I'm sorry. I just meant it as a joke."

Before her very eyes, Tori could see Jade's anger spiral out of control. An instant later,  her eyes turned red and her fang's came out. "Joke! Joke! Do you think I was born this way?"

Tori now sensed something was now very wrong. She quickly found herself wishing she hadn't just made that Joke. "No.. But I didn't mean..."

"No you didn't mean anything. Of course, you didn't I'm just an evil vampire that doesn't know crap about babies. Lest you forget, I was once a human whose name was Una." With each word, Jade's anger only seemed to grow more intense. The hateful look in her eyes quickly grew in intensity

"Jade?" Tori said, suddenly feeling scared.

Jade's anger seemed to reach the breaking point right in front of a very scared Tori. "I was a little girl once, I was a teenager once, I was a wife once and I WAS A MOTHER ONCE! AND I WAS A GOOD MOTHER. I LOVED MY BABY!"

With that, Jade let out an anguished scream and stormed out of the room. Tori quickly ran after Jade, but the Vampire went into the crypt and slammed the door shut.

Tori, who was now very upset and in tears, tried to open it, but realized that Jade had bolted it from the inside. "Jade. I'm sorry. Please let me in. Tori cried out as she vainly pounded on the crypt's Iron door. But Tori was locked out and she even doubted that Jade could even hear her through the door either.

All she could do was cry, for upsetting Jade. Still, she tried; she pounded on the door and pleaded through her tears for Jade to open up.

Tori sat there for hours, even after she had given up pounding and pleading. She felt devastated by how quickly things had gone bad. She loved Jade and knew the vampire was her soul mate, but this disturbed her greatly.

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