Chapter 13 - One of a kind

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 13 – One of a kind.

No one's pov.

Jade happily glided her car up to the curb and came to a halt. Tori stepped forward and opened the door, then paused.

"One condition Jade. It's not negotiable."

Jade nodded, suspecting that Tori would have some sort of condition. "Go ahead."

Tori look of happiness changed to a rather pensive one. "I'll accept you have a dark past. But with me you're going to change. No killing people anymore. You're done. For good. I love you and I'm sorry, but it's the only way I can go through this. If that means you can't feed, than I'm not sure..."

"I own a slaughterhouse. I can feed without hurting anyone." Jade said interrupting her.

"I'm sorry Jade. I really want to be with you. But I need you to promise me this first."

Jade wanted nothing more than to be with Tori. If that was the price, then she would happily pay it. Anything was worth being with Tori as far as she was concerned.

"I promise I won't kill anyone anymore. I swear this to you." Jade said without reservation.

Tori seemed to relax and get in the car, after which Jade took off down the street. "I am sorry Jade. I had to put a limit somewhere."

Jade shook her head. "Stop apologizing. I understand completely. Your request is quite sensible. I can't blame you for it."

"Good. I was worried you'd be angry."

"I'm not. But one thing I have to cover first and it's important."

"What's that?"

"Tori. I'm almost 3000 years old. I don't age. I looked like this, a thousand years ago and I'll look like this in another thousand years. I love you and I plan to spend every moment I can with you. If you'll have me, I'll love and hold you to your last breath. I won't ever leave you. I'll swear to that as well. But you need to realize that I can't grow old with you, but I'll love you no less."

That had occurred to Tori already and she had considered that in her decision. While a bit sad, Tori was very comforted that her beautiful Jade would never leave her. Tori couldn't help herself and responded with a Joke. "I'll have the hottest girlfriend in the old age home then?"

"Yes you will." Jade said with a smirk.

"I have so many questions to ask you Jade. Oh.. is Jade your real name?"

Jade spoke sounding just a bit sad. "No, but I haven't gone by my real name since I was alive. I've had a dozen names in the last 3000 years. I've called myself Jade for at least the last thousand. But to answer your question my real name is Una. Or at least that was my name. I can't say Una even exists anymore."

"Do you miss being Una?"

"I miss some of the things she used to love. As a little girl she would play in the meadow near her home all the time. On bright summer days she would pick wildflowers and put them in her hair." Jade said with a faraway look in her eyes.

"It's odd you speak of yourself in 3rd person like that."

Jade nodded. "I know. It's just easier that way. I was her once, but not anymore. When I think of those days, it's like a dream now."

"Thank you for sharing that with me Jade."

A smile returned to Jade's face, but a thought quickly came to her mind. "Oh. Before I forget. Don't ever go back to that bar. I mean it. They know you're human now and you wouldn't last 30 seconds in there."

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