Chapter 22 - A walk in the park

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 22 – A walk in the park.

No one's pov.

It was about three weeks after the encounter at the restaurant and Jade had taken Tori for a night time walk in Central park. Though considered a very foolish thing to do by most New Yorker's, Tori didn't worry about the potential dangers lurking in the darkness. For Tori knew perfectly well, that her girlfriend was probably the most dangerous thing in the whole city.

A few months previously someone actually did jump out of the bushes and held out a knife. Before the mugger could even say a word, Jade moved like lighting and promptly broke his arm. Had not Tori stopped her, Jade probably would have followed up by smashing his skull. Instead, the mugger was last seen holding his broken arm and running away, all the while howling in pain.

But this night was a moonless and rather windy night. It was the last week of April and the women were walking hand in hand through the darkness after seeing a Broadway show.

All of sudden Tori could feel Jade grip her hand just a bit tighter. Looking over she could see in the dim light, a focused expression come to Jade's face.

"Act natural, don't say anything, we're being followed." Jade said in a low voice, as she kept looking ahead.

Tori looked and listened but could detect nothing. They walked about 15 more feet when she finally could hear a faint sound of a footstep somewhere behind her.

"Another mugger?" Tori whispered.

"No. Vampires. At least 2 of them. One of them is behind us; the other is about 20 yards ahead on our left. They probably think we're just two normal people out for a walk"

That made Tori worry. "What are you going to do?"

Jade's eyes suddenly went red and her fangs came out. She then stopped, took a deep breath and said in a loud clear voice. "Ok fuckers. You're messing with the wrong couple. Go annoy someone else!"

Tori suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes ahead of her, followed by the sound of someone approaching. At the same time, she heard at least 2 sets of footsteps behind her.

A moment later a tall, muscled, blonde Nordic looking man in jeans and a muscle shirt appeared in front of them. He reminded Tori of one of those heavy-duty weightlifters she saw on the Olympics.

In the dim light Tori could see that he looked rather amused. "Well...Well...not two ordinary love birds as we first thought. Here we have a fellow Vampire. Jade if I'm not mistaken. What a most unusual surprise."

Jade stood there defiantly. "Yes, I'm a vampire. So, as I said before, you're messing with the wrong couple. Leave me and my girlfriend the fuck alone."

He scoffed. "I'm not letting some ex-clan leader order me around. "

Tori then heard a female voice behind her growl. "Jade, show some respect to a real clan leader, you fucking loser."

Jade suddenly smirked. "Let me guess, you're Olaf and the two idiots behind me are your loser followers from Clan Asswipe"

Olaf sneered for a moment, but said nothing.

"I'm also guessing that the few mangled corpses that police have been finding around the city recently belong to you. They think it's a serial killer doing it. When in fact it's bunch of loser vampires who don't know when to stop, because their attracting too much fucking attention." Jade said in a condescending tone of voice.

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