Chapter 18 - A little overboard

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Someone to watch over me.

Chapter 18 - A little overboard.

No One's POV

Jade suddenly frowned and pointed at Tori. "You have a phone, use it. I was a nervous wreck, not knowing where you were."

Tori suddenly felt bad. "I'm sorry baby."

"I get nervous and nervous vampires are a very bad thing to have around. In ages past, when I got nervous people started to die."

Tori closed her eyes and shook her head for a moment. Then she opened her eyes and smiled. "Tell you what, I will call you when I run late and you work on trying to relax more. Come on, let's go to bed."

Realizing Jade needed her, Tori proceeded to undress Jade then herself. Without so much as a word said, she gently eased Jade into bed and proceeded to make love to her. Like the previous night it wasn't just sex, but an experience full of emotion and love.

Tori that next night at work, put in her two weeks notice and prepared to move in with Jade. It was a busy two weeks. Between Classes, work and packing her stuff, Tori was very busy and frequently worn out.

However, each night when Tori was on her break, Jade would bring her food. Jade had figured that she's probably had eaten enough of that diner food and decided to bring her something more interesting. Jade had even got a little tablecloth for the small table.

One night Jade brought Jamaican jerk chicken with coconut rice and beans. The next it was savory BBQ ribs. Another night she brought Indian curry.

"You're spoiling me" Tori said on her final night of work at the restaurant, as she sat down at the table. "So what exotic food do I get tonight?"

Jade with a smile, lifted the cloth she had covering the food to reveal sushi. "Sushi. Dig in."

"Ohhh....I love sushi." Tori said as she started to eat.

After a few bites, a strange expression came to Tori's face. "You know, this sushi tastes exactly like the restaurant I used to eat at with my friends in high school. Oh my god does this take me back. Where on earth did you get it?'

"Nozu" Jade said with a straight face.

Tori's mouth fell open in shock and a rather embarrassing moment; a piece of rice fell out of it. "What?"

I went through your address book and called one of your friends. That rather odd, Cat person. I said I was a friend and wanted to know your favorite restaurant in L.A. After a 10-minute-long speech about her even stranger brother and why he's banned from Jack in the box, she finally told me Nozu. She should be glad she's on the other side of the country as I was starting to lose patience. I tried calling this Robbie person first, but he put Rex Powers on. You know, the one with the dummy for a picture on his slap page. He kept telling me that I sounded like a hot Northridge girl and asked if I'd sit on his face. If I could reach through the phone and murder him, I would have. I hung up on him instead. And I thought I had strange friends."

Tori turned beet red and put her hand on her face. "I'm so going to kill Robbie."

Jade suddenly looked rather puzzled. "Don't you mean Rex?"

Tori sighed. "I'm afraid that Rex Powers, is a dummy, he's Robbie's rather twisted alter ego."

For a full 30 seconds, Jade stared at Tori with an unreadable expression. "Tell me, was Hollywood arts the name of a mental institution perhaps?"

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