Unspoken Bliss

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This OS was my favourite of her stories 




It was still dark when Omkara woke from his sleep. He hadn't slept this peacefully ever since... Even he couldn't remember the time since he slept in such peace. However, the reason for his peaceful slumber was nowhere to be seen. She was always around, even when he rudely dismissed her from the room. The tinkling of her bangles and anklets, and her sweet voice always woke him up. Smiling to himself, he sat up on the bed, and absently touched the empty and cold space next to him; the same empty space that she had occupied last night; the very same cold space that was warm when she lay next to him last night.

"Gauri" he whispered her name softly, so soft that only the morning breeze heard her name. And the same breeze must have beckoned to her, for, not later than a few seconds, she appeared at the bedroom door, bringing him his tea, a liking and a taste which only she knew to prepare. Omkara sighed as she moved her long damp to one side of her shoulder, and his entire focus was shifted to the length of her neck. Gauri too noticed the shift of his focus, and blushed to a shade of pink. "Your tea..." she spoke meekly, snapping him out of his trance, while handing over the cup of tea to him. He nodded and took it from her, and after placing it on the bedside table, looked at her intently. None of them spoke about how intimate and complete it felt to having slept next to each other last night.

***After six months of being married, Omkara was still not tired of pretending to not notice his beautiful wife by whom he was smitten, but hated to admit the same. And last night was no different. As usual, Omkara had reduced the AC temperature to the minimum, and had gone off to sleep in his bed. It was only when he heard the incessant tinkling of bangles and her constant sniffing that indicated she was catching a cold, he sat up and glared at the tiny form sleeping on the couch. "Gauri, will you stop making noise and just sleep?" he almost growled, having no effect on her. When he heard her teeth chatter, he cast his blanket aside and walked up to where she lay asleep. It was then when he saw her pale face. "Gauri?" he called out to her and touched her forehead, only to realise that she was burning hot. Not knowing what to do and who else to call at this midnight hour, he knew that the only humane thing he could do was to let her sleep on the bed. After all, that is what he would do if anyone else were to be in Gauri's place.Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her to the bed and lay her down. He turned the AC off and covered her from neck to toe with a heavy quilt. He knew he had to do something to bring her fever down, and that's when he thought about placing a cold kerchief on her forehead. He was back within minutes from the kitchen with a bowl of ice cold water and a clean white kerchief. He sat next to her on the bed and placed the cold cloth of her forehead. "C...cold... s... sooo cold..." he heard her mutter and felt her shiver. Omkara took her tiny hand in his, and rubbed her hands together. She mumbled something and leaned towards him. His hands froze. Of course, he refused to admit that her charm was beginning to have an effect on him, but he was caught in surprise when he almost felt the static current between them. He looked down at her; her hair in disarray all over the pillow as if she was thoroughly ravished; her pale lips slightly apart and trembling as she breathed softly; she slight heaving of her chest as she breathed. He knew he was staring, but even if he tried, he couldn't stop staring at her.Beyond control over his hand, he ran his fingers through her hair, and felt her shudder. He knew he needed to be kicked in his shin. Here, the poor girl wasn't well and yet, he had a sudden urge to touch her. "Omkara ji..." she cried in her sleep, and he leaned closer to her, "Sshh, I'm here" he told her, still brushing her hair. "Mmmh" she muttered and leaned closer to him, winding her arms round his body. "Don't ... Don't go... leaving me" she spoke and hugged him, with her head on his chest. "Gauri..." an uncomfortable Omkara spoke up; uncomfortable not because he hated her touch; uncomfortable because he loved how her petite frame felt against him; uncomfortable because her proximity sent certain lascivious thoughts to his brain; uncomfortable because the warmth of her body caused his body to react in a way it should've reacted only if he was in bed with a lover. "Gauri" he shook her slightly hoping she would move away from him, but only heard her soft snores as a response.

Looking at the ceiling, he took a deep breath. Exhaling, he realised she smelt like jasmines, and open fields, and wild honey. Closing his eyes, he took another deep breath to take in her scent that intoxicated him like a drug. Minutes passed by and he couldn't get enough of her smell. Tilting his head to his side, he took in more of her fragrance and rested his chin on the top of her head. His hands had a will of their own. He hadn't even realised when his arms pulled Gauri into his muscular frame and her curves had fit into his toned body, just like how the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle were meant to fit. He found solace with her in his arms and sleep washed over him slowly as he dreamt of her, subconsciously.Somewhere in the middle of the night, she woke up to find herself sweating. She felt suffocated and tried opening her eyes only to find herself wrapped in muscular arms that belonged to him who was sleeping next to her on her left. A warm breath fanned her neck, a hand was carelessly resting on her right hip; his other hand held her left hand over her head and his heavy leg was across her knee. She blushed at the way he had snuggled her. She tried to move, in vain. That was when she noticed the bowl of water with beads of condensation on it, and a damp cloth that had slipped down her pillow. She realised that her husband must've brought that for her, and her heart leapt in joy knowing that he cared for her. She turned to look at his face, her Jattadhari's face, only to cause his beard to brush against her delicate skin of her neck. The way his body enveloped hers was too intimate for her to handle, and she felt herself turn warmer. "Omkara ji..." she uttered in a hoarse whisper, and his eyes opened almost immediately. "Are you okay? Are you still feeling feverish?" he asked in a voice laced with concern and eyes full of worry. She barely nodded, for the only thing that Gauri could focus on was how close his lips were to hers as he spoke. Omkara must've noticed her staring at his lips, and something within him snapped.With no more words said, he caressed her cheek with the tips of his fingers and simply bent his head to brush his lips against hers. He did not kiss her, but he didn't move away either. "I was worried", he spoke against her mouth, "when I saw you shivering with fever." Gauri felt her insides churn as his lips moved over hers and it took her some time to realise she wasn't hallucinating. She felt his lips kiss her lower lip in the most delicate manner, and just when she felt he was about to deepen the kiss, he pulled away. "Sleep." he ordered in a raspy voice and turned to the farthest end of the bed, away from her, leaving her in a confused, yet blissful state.

Gauri lay there, trying to process what had just happened. She touched her lower lip and blushed. Her lip still tingled, as if his lips were still kneading her lip. Her chin continued to burn as if his beard was still brushing against her skin. And while she took a deep breath, Omkara too sighed as he replayed the fleeting kiss in his mind. And much to his own surprise, he smiled, even though he did not turn to look at her while she lay just a few inches away from him. Sleep seemed to be the last thing on both minds.The agonizingly long night passed and it was morning. Gauri woke up as usual, but the only difference this morning was that she was right next to her husband. His hand was back to resting at her hip and his face leaned on her shoulder. She smiled while she observed how innocent he looked when asleep. Last night's event came rushing back to her mind and before she could turn into a puddle of mush, she knew it was best to move even before he woke up.

***Presently, Gauri stood in front of Omkara, shifting from one leg to another as he continued to stare at her. "Thank you" she said, looking at the floor, "for taking care of me when I had fever." He nodded his head saying, "I would've done the same if..." "...if anyone else was there in my place" Gauri completed his sentence, saying, "I know, Omkara ji. And I am grateful for it. But it was not just somebody who took care of me last night. It was you, my husband, who was beside me, taking care of me. And it pleases me to know that you chose to care about me, even if you portray as if you don't bother about my existence" Something within Omkara changed at her words. Of course he cared about her, and he cared more than just her existence. He couldn't place exactly how he felt for her, but he knew he certainly needed her to stay with him, for his life seemed dull without her colourful presence in it. Gauri looked at Omkara expectedly, hoping he would talk anything about last night, especially about that tiny moment which they shared. But it seemed to her like it did not really affect him. Kicking the blankets aside, he stood up and made his way to the washroom. Before he stepped inside, he called out to her while backing her face, "It was just ONE time I let you sleep in my bed" he spoke in a firm tone, masquerading his emotions towards her as he always did, "I brought you to the bed only because you were sick. You go back to the couch once you're fine" He secretly hoped she was stubborn about not sleeping on the couch anymore. He heard her sigh when he stepped into the bathroom. And when he turned around, he could only smile to himself as he watched her touch the empty spot of the bed; the one where he had slept, with her in his arms.

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