Bedroom Shenanigans - 18+: The First Night- Part One

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Gauri sat in the centre of the king-sized bed, in the room of her newly-wedded husband, and was adorned in a maroon and gold bridal outfit. Decked with gold from head to toe, she fidgeted with the edge of her dupatta that was neatly arranged on top of her head. Priyanka, her sister-in-law noticed this and teased her, "Looks like Gauri Bhabhi is nervous about her first night with Om Bhaiyya." Bhavya giggled as Annika said, "Why wouldn't she be nervous? Haven't we seen how impatient Omkara is? I just hope that he doesn't pounce on Gauri the moment he enters the room." "And hopefully the bed doesn't break tonight." Bhavya chimed in. They giggled aloud, unaware of Gauri's mortified expressions. Just then, Richa- Gauri's best friend entered the room with a glass of milk and placed it on the table. Gauri looked up at her three sisters-in-law, "Can I please talk to Richa for a few minutes, if you all don't mind?" The three young ladies nodded affectionately at the nervous bride, and left the room after a few more giggles.

The moment the door shut, Gauri began to hyperventilate, "Richa, I don't know what to do! Today is my wedding night, and I don't know what to do! And why was Bhabhi talking about Omkara ji pouncing on me?" Richa shook her head, "Don't you know what happens on a first night?" Gauri, clueless, shook her head, shocking Richa, and it took some moments for the woman to digest the shock. "Well, I don't know how exactly to explain it to you, but I'll give you my own wedding night example" Richa spoke with a deep blush on her cheek. Gauri listened carefully, knowing that she could use some tips from her best friend. "When Karthik ji came into our room on the first night, he sat next to me. I gave him the glass of badam milk and he gulped it down quickly. They say, badam milk gives the men energy." Gauri was confused, "Energy for what?" Richa blushed harder, "Don't ask questions; just listen." Gauri nodded again, making a mental note to handover the glass of milk to Omkara ji to have energy for whatsoever he needed it for. Richa continued, "After that, Karthik ji removed my jewellery. And then..." Richa paused, unable to say anything further. Gauri was impatient and irritated. Why couldn't she just tell her what she needed to know? "After that, what?" Gauri asked in irritation. Richa shook her head, "After that, I am not telling you anything further. I'm just going to tell you to go with the flow. Once Omkara ji helps you out with the jewellery, and if you don't know what else to do, just lie back on the bed. He will do what he has to do."

Just then, they both heard soft footsteps and Richa got up. "Omkara ji is probably here", she said while arranging Gauri's dupatta on top of her head now veiling her face, "Just remember Gauri, do as Omkara ji says. He will definitely know what and how to do it." "Do what?" Gauri asked in a harsh whisper while holding Richa's hand. "Omkara ji will know. You may feel pain initially, but it will all be okay once you get adjusted." Gauri's confusion and fear grew multiple fold. Pain? Adjust? What was Omkara supposed to do? As if he would hold her by her hair and flog her? What was she unaware of? What was Richa hiding from her? The door opened and Richa freed her hand from Gauri's hold. "Namaste Omkara ji..." Richa said, nodding at the groom, "Your bride is waiting for you." Gauri heard him mumble a thank you, and soon, she left, leaving the two newly-weds alone.

"Gauri..." he called out in a gentle voice, and Gauri's nervousness increased. Was he going to pounce on her? She felt the mattress dip as he sat next to her, and she cast her gaze on the intricate design of her henna while he unveiled the dupatta off of her face. "Beautiful..." she heard him whisper and felt her breath hitch as he placed his hand on top of hers. "Nervous?" he asked, sensing how cold and sweaty her palms were. When she did not reply, he chuckled, "Can I tell you a secret?" She nodded and he said in a soft tone, "I'm nervous too." Her eyes shot up at him, and she could see some mischief twinkle in his eyes. "Erm..." she moved her hands out from his hold, and picked up the glass of milk placed there. "This is for you..." She held the glass up for him. Omkara smiled at her, and as he took a sip, she said, "This will give you energy." Omkara sputtered and coughed when he heard her. "Omkara ji? Are you okay?" she said in worry, patting the top of his head as he choked himself over a sip of milk.

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