The Trial Honeymoon : Part 9

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Gauri Sharma woke up with a start when she heard the room door click open. Her eyes opened and adjusted to the morning brightness in the room, only to see Omkara Singh Oberoi's retreating back, as he walked out of the room in his business attire. She couldn't really make it out, but heard him say over the phone that he would be downstairs to sort the matter out himself. She wished to call out to him and by the time she did, he was gone already. Leaning against the headboard, she screwed her eyes shut while she held her throbbing head with both her hands. This severe ache would've been due to the drinks she had consumed last night.

And then, as the sheets slipped down her body, she blushed. She'd had some mind blowing sex with a Greek God like man, whose mere thought made her crave for more right now. She recalled all the events of the previous night, and her fingers caressed the dull aching cut on the edge of her lip; the very spot that Omkara had kissed, suckled and licked countless times last night in bed. Her mother would probably skin her alive if she were to know of what she'd done, but surprisingly, nothing felt wrong to Gauri. If anything, she believed that last night was meant to happen. She had lost her virginity to this man, yet like portrayed in those various romantic stories she'd read about before, Gauri had no regret. Neither was she going to behave like a shy damsel in front of him. She cherished every single moment, every caress, every kiss, every touch, every thrust, and every orgasm she shared with him last night.

She wished she had woken up before he did, only to watch him sleep peacefully, like she'd watched him last night when she'd woken up to quench her thirst with a glass of water. She'd watched him sleep like a little baby, without a care in the world. When he'd frowned about something, she had playfully ran her fingers on his brows and forehead, and his frown had immediately vanished, his lips has curved up in a smile while unconsciously pulling her closer to him, all in his sleep.

Presently, Gauri pushed the sheets aside, and the moment she sat up, she realised how sore she was. The several hickeys on her body had a tale of their own to tell. Sure, Omkara Oberoi was a gentleman when they had had sex the first time; but the second time when he'd woken her up with his lips on her neck and his fingers on her belly that gradually moved and dipped down south, he was anything but soft and gentle. And it was then that Gauri realized that she liked it rough. "I need a hot shower..." she mumbled to herself and to her aching muscles, and pushed the sheets away to make her way to the bathroom

Omkara had returned to the room, only to find her tiny frame swallowed inside her fluffy bathrobe and drying her hair in front of the mirror. He cleared his throat to indicate his presence, which she's already known when he'd walked into the room. "Good morning..." he said, without meeting her gaze, and heard her mumble it back to him. He walked to the cupboard to pull his laptop out, when he heard her ask him, "Slept well last night?" Baffled, he looked at her, to watch her reflection looking at him through the mirror. With a nod, he asked her, "How about you?" She smiled, "Good. Better than the previous night." She chuckled mentally when he saw his ears turn pink as he turned away to place his laptop for charge. If he expected her to be all coy, then he was so wrong.

Gauri was about to voice her thought out, when her phone rang, flashing Annika's name. "Hi Annika. What's with you waking up so early?" Gauri chirped, making her happy mood quite evident to the caller. Omkara could guess the reason of this early morning phone call from that friend of hers. He smirked, and glanced that Gauri's varying expressions. "WHAT?... But how?... Well, he deserved it, okay?" Gauri said, and shaking her head, she continued in irritation, "You know what, Annika? I really don't want to talk about it. And in case I am asked anything, I will only speak the truth. I don't care about anything else. Bye." Gauri threw her phone on the bed, and then cupped her mouth with her hands, still shocked at what she just heard from Annika.

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