The Trial Honeymoon : Part 10

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As expected, Omkara Singh Oberoi had followed Gauri Sharma to the restaurant bay downstairs, quite a while later, and had found her seated at one of the tables by the poolside. Now that wasn't what caused him to frown though. The recipient of his annoyed stare was the guy who was seated opposite to her, busy smiling at her while she laughed at something he had just said. Not wanting to 'disturb' her, Omkara had occupied the table behind her, and just to make his presence felt, he called to the waiter out loud, while Gauri turned around and looked at him. Omkara had expected a reaction from her on seeing him there, but a bright smile and a wave from her was slightly too much of one. Before he could reciprocate even with a small smile, she had already turned her attention back to this guy seated in front of her and had resumed giggling. Omkara leaned back in his seat and watched the guy with narrowed eyes. He looked about as tall as him, but a leaner frame. He had those blue clipped braces on his teeth and really short hair. He wore a casual green t-shirt teamed with jeans, with his brown sunglasses tucked away carelessly at the V-neck of his t-shirt. Just then, Omkara stiffened in his seat when he saw him touching her nose, as if teasing her, and she dug her index finger into the dimple on his cheek.

Omkara rolled his eyes. Wasn't it just last night that he had to save this woman from one over-enthusiastically friendly creep, and now, there was another fellow sticking to her, already? Except that, this guy did not look dangerous or creepy. In fact, he looked quite friendly, and with the way Gauri was talking to him, it didn't seem like she was hesitant or awkward, like with Ajay. He wondered who it could be. A cousin would've been the best option he could think of. Just then, he saw the guy stand up, excuse himself and walk towards the exit, after a curt and reserved nod at him. A few seconds later, he watched Gauri get up from the seat and walk to the exit. "Going somewhere?" Omkara asked aloud, unable to stop himself. Gauri looked at him, and was about to tell him that she was going out for a cup of coffee with her schoolmate Oorjit Khanna after helping him pick a gift for Bhavya on behalf of his girlfriend as well, but then decided against it. wy should she owe him any explanation? Omkara may have been her temporary roommate, but that didn't mean she would give him details of her whereabouts. "Yes..." Gauri replied as she put on her sunglasses, and without any further explanation, she followed Oorjit.

Omkara's jaws twitched in annoyance at that royal ignorance of hers as he gripped the edge of the table, almost threatening to break that piece of granite that his knuckles turned almost white. One moment this woman was writhing and crumbling in his arms after moaning out his name in pleasure, and in the next moment she was treating him like he was some distant relative of hers who was waiting to pocket her ancestral property. Do you want her to consider you something else, his mind asked him. He knew the answer, and suppressed his thoughts at that point. "Let her go where she wants; I don't give a damn!" he muttered under his breath, and then mercilessly cut up the waffles that were placed in front of him, out of which half of it was left uneaten. Omkara, for the rest of the day had cooped himself up in the room, furiously typing on his laptop while yelling at his staff over the phone over the most trivial matter. His sour mood was unexplained even to himself, while his subconscious replayed the image of a certain tiny framed woman in his mind, over and over again.

Gauri did not return to the room anytime soon. It was only in the evening when he was in the shower, getting ready for Rudra's and Bhavya's mehendi ceremony, did he hear Gauri walking into the room. He heard the rustling of paper bags, and then it turned quiet. A moment later, he heard the door click again, and just like that, she had left the room. "Gauri?" he called out to make sure if she was still in the room, and when there was no response, he stepped out after he'd worn his beige kurta-pyjama. The pile of shopping bags in the corner confirmed that she was here a while ago. He looked at the crushed ball of paper that had fallen near the dustbin, at the foot of the bedside-table; it looked like some bill. Smoothing out that crumpled paper, he saw it was indeed a bill for coffee at the local coffee shop; two coffees, two sandwiches and one lava cake. His frown deepened when he pictured Gauri and that guy seated opposite each other at a cozy coffee shop, holding hands across the table, and feeding the molten lava cake to each other. And then, when some chocolate would have been smeared across her lip, where he would have reached across the table and wiped it away with his thumb.

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