Dad's Shop

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I got to the shop went in my dad's office to say hi and see if I have any jobs to do. "Alice, there is a truck in back I need you to do the finishing touches on the owner Mr. O'Neal will be here to pick it up at 5 also don't forget you told Max you would sprue up his car and Caleb you would fix whatever he broke last race before Saturday night."

"Thanks for reminding me dad I will do the truck then Max's car first as an apology for knocking him out school and please don't lecture me mom already did thats why I am late."

"I won't lecture you, also me and your mom have a date night planned and I have to leave so do you mind closing up for me."

"Yeah, sure dad. I don't mind, but remember one of you might have to call me because if I get going with one of the boys cars I might not realize the time."

"Yeah I know Alice. Thank you so much see you when you get home. Now get to work the truck won't fix itself."

"I know dad, see you." I gave him a hug and went to the back in the garage. I finished up the spark plugs and oil change on the truck, and got the oil cleaned up so I didn't get any on the boys cars. Then I heard the bell of someone coming in the front door. So I yell, "Be right with you!" I finished washing my hand and went to see who it was.

When I came through the door from the garage to the waiting area and saw a pretty woman with someone who look formiliar. And said, "Sorry for your wait I was finish cleaning up."

Then the guy that looked formiliar said, "Alice Blackwood is that you?"

"Yes, it's me, do I know you?"

"What are doing here shouldn't you be looking after your brother."

"Oh, Coach O'Neal when my dad said Mr. O'Neal was picking up his truck I didn't put two and two together. And like we said in class we knock each other out all the time so no I shouldn't be watching him. He is at home with the rest of my brothers."

The pretty woman that was with him cleared her throat and said, "So I guess she is one of your students and what happened with her brother?"

Coach answered, "Honey, as I told you earlier I am doing a self defense lesson in my gym class, since I had odd numbers of girls and guys in her class. I paired her and her brother together and her friend said they spare all the time, so I wanted to see what they knew and she knocked him out cold."

Mrs. O'Neal asked me, "Really, you knocked your brother out thats crazy and cool."

I answered, "Yeah, I did. When you grow up with four older brother that like to wrestling and box and any other type of fighting out there. You learn to hold your own and how to bet them, but that's not why you are here let me finish a few things on the paper work and then I will bring your truck around coach." I went over to the computer and started to finish up the paper work.

"Ok, that sounds good where is the owner? I want to ask him why he has a crazy girl like you working here for." Coach joked

"Sorry Coach, dad's not here right now mom and dad had a date night tonight, so I am here till closing or later depending if I get lost in a car or not."

"What do you mean lost in a car?" Mrs. O'Neal asked.

"I mean if I get to considerate in fixing up one of the cars in the back that I don't realize how much time has past, so I will probably be here till one of my parents or brothers call me telling me I need to get home if I want sleep before school."

"Oh, I could never do that. I guess you really like cars." Mrs. O'Neal said.

"Yeah, I do. It is one if the things I grew up doing with my dad. There the paper work is done I will have to move one of the other cars out of the way, so I can bring your truck around."

Coach said, "I can help if you want I can just drive my truck out, so you don't have to do so much work."

I said, "No. Sorry Coach, but employees only in the garage. Unless you are coming to check on progress of a vehicle that has to take a long time and call a head of time. Also it is tight back there, so I will do it."

Coach, "Ok, I'll meet you out front."

I grabbed his truck keys and the keys to my Demon. I could see the way he eyed the Demon keys and knew he wasn't going outside till after I started my baby up.
I went back trough the garage door and started my baby up when she purred to life and growled when I hit the gas as I moved it out of the way. I turned her off and jumped in coach's truck and drove it out the back door and around to the front. When I got out and gave him the keys.

He said, "That Demon you have back there sounds nice. Do you know if the owner would be ok with me taking a look?"

"No, she would not want you looking under the hood or looking at her Demon at all." I said maybe a little to meanly.
Coach said, "Ok, I was just asking since it sounded way to good to be in a shop unless she just hasn't picked up yet. Thanks for fixing my truck Alice."

"Anytime Coach, but the cars in the back are always off limits unless it your own, so you won't be seeing that Demon ever."

Coach, "Ok, see you in class tomorrow. Have a goodnight."

"You too." I replied.

I went back inside and looked under the hood of Max's Camaro, so I could tune it up for Saturday's race. I was working under the car when I heard the shop phone start ringing, so I came out from under the car wiped my hands off and answered the phone. "You have reached Blackwood Auto Shop. This is Alice Blackwood. What might you need?"

The person on the other end said, "Hi Alice. This is Beta James from Silvermoon pack, I was calling to see if my Alpha could come drop off two cars to you Saturday."

"Yes, of course. I just need to know his name, what type of cars he is dropping off, and when he plans to be here Saturday, so I can make sure I am here." In my head I think so I can be awake because Friday nights I normally sleep on the couch in dad's office.

James says, "His name is Alpha Carson Sliver. He is dropping off a 2021 Dodge Demon and a 2020 Ford Mustang and he said he will be there around 9am." I jot down everything he just told me.

"Ok, I'll see him then. Tell him that he will have to tell me what he thinks is wrong with them or what he wants done; if there is nothing wrong."

"Ok, I'll let him know that. Bye, Alice." James replied.

When he hung up I screamed I was fan girling that Demon is my dream car don't get me wrong I love my purple and blue one, but a 2021 would be amazing to have. After my fan girl moment I got a call from Connor telling me that it was closing time, so I cleaned up and locked up. And drove home excited for Saturday and to tell Max his car is almost done, but  anxious to tell Caleb that his car will probably not be fixed by the race since I have a wolf client coming in on Saturday morning and I think Max's car will be finished Friday night.

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