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Alice's POV:

Right when we got to the infirmary I tapped Max's shoulder giving him the signal that I was starting to see spots. When we walked through the doors Rose and Mia came running up to us asking a million questions at once. Then Connor took over and said, "I am guessing you two are doctors your Alpha and Luna were seeing who was stronger. Your Alpha has a broken leg don't know how bad and a broken nose. Your Luna is about to black out, her ribs were broke so we are 99% sure it is a punctured lung, so can you guys get it fixed soon please."

"Who are you and why would we listen to you?" Rose said.

I heard Mia mumble, "Mate." But I really didn't care to think to much of it right now because I could barely see straight at this point.

"Babe that's Alice's oldest brother he knows what he is talking about because he is like Alice and is a streetfighter and have seen her with these injuries before." Beck said.

Then Rose had me lay on a bed and I was taken to get my Lung and ribs fixed. Which was most likely going to be another surgery.

Carson's POV:

After Rose had rushed Alice away, I turned to Connor and Max and said, "What the Fuck a punctured lung. I punctured my mates lung and she acted like it was nothing. Why would she do that?"

Connor answered, "Man when she was first helping you she was still blocking all of her own pain. I really don't think she realized till she asked for help, when she started to struggle to breathe."

"What the fuck you guys let her keep walking even when she was struggling to breathe."

"She would have passed out faster if we would have picked her up. We are scared just like you Carson. It is terrifying when we see the fear in her eyes." Max said.

"Also it's not completely your fault. This time she actually has to let this heal before fighting again." Connor said.

"Your telling us that she has broke ribs before without letting them heal all the way." Beck said.

"Yeah, I think the weird healing it did has just became weak over the years. Because it was like when she was 14." Connor said.

"Jake was ground for a month for that one." Max commented.

"What your brother did it to her?" I asked.

"Yeah, but at the time they weren't siblings, they were opponents for the second to top spot in the underground." Connor said.

"Can you guys move out of my way so can evaluate the Alpha's injuries?" Mia said.

"Hold up Mia did I hear you right and you said mate when we first came in here?" Beck said.

"Yeah, you heard right but that isn't important right now." Mia said.

"His nose is broke and his right leg is probably broke in multiple places because Alice put all her weight and both legs into that kick." Connor said.

"You may be my mate but could you just shut up and let me do my job." Mia said, "Now Carson let's go get this leg x-rayed." Then Mia rolled my bed to the x-ray area.

"So, Connors your mate?" I said.

"Yeah. Can we focus on you right now please. I can't think about the fact that my mate is human and how my parents are going to react." Mia said.

"Yeah we can focus on me, but first I do have to say that if your parents have anything to say tell them it's their Luna's brother and that if they have a problem with him they have a problem with her. And if they hurt her brother they won't like the consequences."

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