Luna Cerimony

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Carson's POV:
I was walking upstairs to my room when I got I could hear Alice and mom yelling at each other. When I opened the door I asked, "What are you two arguing about?"

"Your mom is being unreasonable." Alice said.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"I am just telling her she has to were these shoes with her dress." Mom said holding up a pair of black shiny heels.

"If she doesn't want to wear the shoes, why are you trying to force her too?"

"It's not that she doesn't want to where these shoes it's the shoes she wants to wear that's the problem." Mom said.

"What are you wanting to wear, Luv?"

"These, the same shoes I wore when I wore this dress last." Alice said, holding up a pair a sparkly black boots, that looked like a sparkly pair of the boots she would wear for her fights which made me laugh.

"Of course, you made a sparkly version of your fight boots for under dress."

"Really, Carson. Why are you encouraging her?" Mom said annoyed.

"Maybe because this is her Cerimony, mom. And I want my mate to be comfortable in what she is wearing, also it's not like you can see her shoes under her dress anyway."

"And like I have already said, I can't walk in those stupid shoes I would fall on my face." Alice said.

"Alright, whatever. Carson and Alice get dressed I am going to get ready, then make sure the pack is gathered." Mom said.

After mom left me and Alice both headed to the closet to get our clothes. She grabbed her dress and walked back out of the closet while I got dressed in here. After I got dressed I headed out and Alice had only a skin tight black short shorts and a skin tight sparkly black tank top. "Aren't you supposed to be wearing a dress?" I joked.

"It is a dress it just has a detachable skirt to it because before prom I had to go to one of my brothers fight, so I got this so I could easily change and go to the dance and this time it's nice if anyone would try to start a fight I can easily loose the skirt to be able to fight."

"You literally think of anything, you need any help getting the skirt on?" I said.

"Yeah, sure just tie the couple of ties on the skirt for me please."

So I wrapped the skirt around her and tied the ties. Then she went over to the night stand and grabbed a scrunchy and put it on her wrist. I gave her a quick kiss and we walked downstairs. We were at the entrance of the pack house waiting for mom and dad to call us out. They were up on the stage. Dad got everyone to quiet down. Then Mom announced, "We are all here today to officially accept my son's mate, our soon to be Luna in to the pack. It is great that he has finally meet his mate."

Then dad said, "Now to introduce them some of you already know her. Welcome your Aphla Carson Silver and Luna Alice Blackwood!" With that we walked out I was holding her hand.

When we got on the stage a voice I recognized to well said, "They haven't even marked each other she isn't his real mate." When she said that I could feel Alice start shaking. Olivia has always been obsessed with me and had an over amount of confidence because she knew her dad and older brother would have her back, but I don't think even they could hold Alice back if something started. I wrapped my arm around Alice pulling her closer to try to help her calm down.

"Olivia, shut you mouth. She is my mate and your Luna  and you will respect her and wait till she is ready. She isn't like any of you here for the last 14 years she was raised by humans." I said. Which made a ton of people start whispering.

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