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Alice's POV:

I woke up to Carson giving me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled up at him. And got up throw on some shorts, bra and tank top, and some socks and tennis shoes. Carson was still sitting on the bed staring at me. I said, "It's race day. Time to get up get moving, also I am hungry."

"Of course you are hungry." He said laughing.
We got up and got dressed. We headed downstairs where his parents and my brothers were sitting.

"Morning, you two." Kelly said. "Your brothers were just telling me about the race you guys have today. Sounds dangerous."

"Against these guys it really is." I said as I grabbed a cereal bar from the cabinet and a glass of milk. "You guys can come if you want."

"What really?" Kelly said.

"Yeah, why not."

"That would be cool Kelly hasn't ever seen you race." Hayden said.

"That's cool, but you have to be warned one of our opponents is a rogue so there may be a few rogues at the race, so y'all can't start anything with anyone."

"That makes sense." Hayden said.

"Also if anything happens at all also as soon as we get to the race track you no longer call me and Max by our actual names. I am Rosa and Max is Maximus. You calling us by our real names could let the wrong people know our identities and it could be dangerous."

"Ok, that seems crazy but ok." Kelly said.

"It's just a safety thing, also Kelly can you braid my hair normally Molly does it but she isn't coming to the race and not here." I said.

"Yeah of course what kinda of braid?" Kelly asked.

"Just a basic braid that can be tucked in my racesuit and can withstand my helmet."

"Any races I have seen you rarely wear helmet or race suit." Hayden said.

"That's because half the time we are racing each other or newbies that think they have what it takes to beat us, and not the most ruthless dangerous group of racers we have ever beat." I said. "I'm headed to the shop, Carson you coming with me. Also all yall the race starts at 3 so meet at the shop at 2. We are racing just outside pack territory in the neutral territory also for the small group of us bonfire party in Cresent Territory tonight."

"Yeah, I'll come with you." Carson said.

Then I put my cup in the sink and grabbed a water bottle. Then we hoped in Carson's car and headed to the shop. Miles wasn't there yet, but he had given me a key. I just headed straight to the cars kinda ignoring the fact that Carson came with me. And did the final check on things since I did most the work yesterday. I made sure the strap on our fire extinguishers were tight where they wouldn't go flying if something happened but still loose enough that they were easy to get out if we needed them.

It was about one when Miles got here and brought us some sandwiches and chips. I stopped working and when and ate with Carson and Miles. "Thanks for the food, Miles."

"No problem, figured you guys would be here doing the final work on your cars."

"Yeah, she's been doing lots of work. It's very interesting to watch her work." Carson said.

"Why wouldn't you help her?" Miles said.

"It actually saves time him just letting me get in my zone instead of me having to explain what to do to him then have to double check everything." I said.

Then my phone went off it was from dad and it said, Be careful tonight let me know if you need me to get either of your cars. I know if I am getting your you won't want to leave it but it's better to leave it then chance getting caught, so be smart and leave it.

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