Morning After Graduation

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Alice's POV
The next morning I woke up in my mates arms since he had stayed in my room after graduation last night. When I opened my eyes I saw him smiling down at me. So I gave him a quick peck on the lips then said, "Goodmoring baby."

"Goodmoring Beautiful. I have a question for you."

"Ok what's your question."

"I know we said that you were going to be moving in after graduation but we never specified when after graduation?" He said nervously.

"When do you want me to move in?" I said smiling at him.

"Whenever you are ready?" He said with a smile.

"We could start packing some of my stuff today if you don't mind staying for a couple days to help, Also I will need Miles' truck again to bring my cars because the one doesn't run and I can't drive two cars at once."

"Yeah I will ask my dad and James if they can handle the Aphla duties for a couple days so I can help. Also I rode with my parents so I can drive on of your cars and we can then go ask Miles to use the truck for your project car."He said.

"Sounds like a plan. We should get up I am hungry and we should go talk to our families about our plans." I said.

So we got up and got dressed for the day and then headed down to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple of frozen waffles and a chocolate milk for each of us. I toasted our waffles and put cream cheese on mine. And he put some butter on his. The we took our food to the living room where both our and James' parents and Lucy were sitting talking. I guess the boys are all in the mancave or still asleep.

Mom was the first to notice us come in and said, "Morning you two."

"Morning mom." I said, "Hey guys we were wanting to talk to y'all."

"What about?" Dad questioned.

"Me moving to Carson's pack house." I said.

"Already?" Mom said shocked.

"Yes already Mom."

"Who's going to help me in the shop if you leave." Dad said.

"You do have two other kids that keep and work on cars there that can help you and you know me if you really need me you can either send the car to me or I can come for a weekend sometimes and help out." I said.

"Yeah I know I was just giving you trouble." Dad said.

"Hey, Dad, James I do have a question to ask you guys." Carson said.

"Yeah what's do you need?" Hayden said.

"Would you two be able to handle my Aphla duties for a couple of days so I can stay here and help Alice with her stuff?"

"Yeah of course son." Hayden said.

"Sure, man." James said.

"Hey James did you happen to ride with your parents." I said.

"Yeah why?"

"Carson I ment to tell you earlier but I finished the work on your car your body guy just has to do the work on it once you get it back to the pack. So James could you take his car back with you if we give you a ride to the shop?"

"Yeah, but way can't he take it?"

"Because I can't drive two cars, so he is going to be driving my Hellcat back."

"Ok cool that makes since." James said.

"So when are you tell the pack about Alice being your mate and when are you going to have her Luna Cerimony?" Kelly asked.

"We actually haven't talked about that yet mom." Carson said.

"What's a Luna Cerimony?" Mom asked.

"It's when I officially became Luna of the pack and truelly have a say in pack matter, not like I haven't already made some changes to their training." I said.

"Hey, how much of our pack training are you going to put in effect with the pack?" Lucy asked.

"I am going to make some big changes but not crazy crazy yet because I think trying to put in effect to many changes at once could be to hard on the pack to except." I said.

"Yay so you are saying I can really train again sorry Hayden not that I mind training with you I miss training with the group." Lucy said.

"We will have to go dress shopping to get you a dress for your Cerimony." Zoe said.

"Yeah no I already have a dress to wear." I said.

"You can't wear any old dress." Kelly said.

"Why are we talking about dresses with Alice?" Max asked while walking in with Luke.

"For her Luna Cerimony." Zoey said.

"What dress you talking about sis that you have?" Max asked.

"The Black and Silver one I wore for junior prom since Molly forced me to go." I said whining but also had a smile on my face.

"Oh yeah you look so good in it and it's completely your style." Max said.

"And it's a great dress for a Luna Cerimony." Parker said while coming in with Penelope. Then said bye to Lucy and headed to his house.

"Now I want to see the dress." Carson said.

"Well it's the only ball gown in my closet so it's not hard to miss." I said laughing.

"We should probably be headed home soon." Hayden said.

"Ok, James you can ride with Max, Luke and Carson can ride with me to the shop." I said, "Max you know if one of the others are up yet?"

"Yeah Jake is." Max answered.

"Go get him, we need a race master." I said, and Max ran up stairs to grab Jake.

Luke started fangirling for a second, "I get to ride with Rosa while she races Maximus this is crazy."

"No, you aren't racing with either of my boy's in the car." Zoey said.

"We will be safe and can't go to fast since we don't have our actual race cars with us." I said.

"Whatever just be careful." Blake said.

When Jake came in the room I said, "If you all want to meet us at the shop Jake can show you the way."

"Ok that sounds good." Kelly said.

So we all went out to our cars and jumped in. "Luke you may want to buckle up and hold on" I said. Then Jake lined us up and as soon as his hands came down we were off. I made it to the shop a good five minutes before Max but once he got there and I could see that James looked like he was about to throw up I could see why. We went inside and sat James on the couch and got him some water. About fifteen minutes later there parents and Jake arrived, so I pulled Carson's Demon around. Then went back inside and asked James, "Are you sure you are good to drive man?"

"Yeah I am fine now thanks."

So we all headed outside, Carson and I said bye to his family and then we headed back to the house so we could start packing my stuff.

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