Moving to Silvermoon and Training

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Alice's POV:
When we woke up the next morning I said by to my family which was hard when my mom started crying and said, "I can't believe my youngest is the first to move out." I gave her a big hug and said, "Mom you know the boys will move out when they are ready."

That made mom laugh. Then me and Carson headed to my cars and I followed him to our pack land so I didn't leave him behind but as soon as we crossed in to the pack lands I past him and sped to the pack house. When I got there training was going on and everyone stop and stared at me when I kicked up dust when I stopped in front of the pack house. And Kelly came out of the pack house to see what was going on and I could tell was about to scream when I got out. I looked at everyone and yelled, "What are you staring at get back to your training!"

"Where is my son at?" Kelly asked me as we walked in the pack house.

"Don't know passed him when we entered pack lands, so I don't know how far back he is. It was hard enough to stay behind him till there in that car." I said.

"What makes that car different then your other one?" Kelly asked.

"That car, I am never behind people, that car is my race car." I said.

"Oh, that's crazy." Kelly said.

That's when Hayden walked in the room, "That's a nice car you got out there, I have one question, What's the top speed you have done in it."

"I am not sure what speed I go when using my nitrous bottles but Top speed my brother has clocked me at without it was 210 mph." I answered. And Kelly screamed which made some of the Warriors from outside come into see the problem.

"Kelly are you okay why'd you scream?" I questioned.

Someone I didn't recognize stepped forward and growled, "That is Luna to you. You scentless bitch."

And Carson just happened to walk in when the warrior said that, which made Carson go into protective mode and he slammed the warrior against the wall in a choke hold. Which made some of the other warriors gasp. And Carson growled lowly, "Beck, Don't you ever say that to her ever again."

I then walked over to them and pulled Carson off of him and when to the Warrior and said, "Just because Carson is the one to attack that time ever say something like that to me again and I will be the one to make you spended the night in the infirmary."

"Again that is Alpha to you. And are you really threatening the strongest warrior of the pack, I could beat you anyday." He said rudely.

Behind Carson growled loud. So I ran over before he attacked to dumbass again. I wrapped my arms around Carson which made the warriors growl I then whispered in his ear, "Carson calm down I can handle my own battles and if I thought he need it and it wasn't a misunderstanding since he doesn't know who I am you know he would already be on the ground." Once I could tell that Carson was calmed down enough I gave him a quick kiss which made all the warriors gasp. Then I turned to Beck walking toward him as I said, "For one if you are anything like your fellow warriors I trained with a few months ago I could beat you in my sleep." By then I had him up against the wall again with my hand on his throat which had the warriors gathered in a circle around me which just made me smirk because it just reminded me of my days streetfighting, which I guess Carson caught my smirk because he then said, "Boy's back off them now." Which made them back off some but my smirk was still there and I continued my voice getting deeper, "You are very stupid to threaten me exceptionally infront of your Alpha." Then I let go of him and walked over to Carson and he wrapped his arm around my waist. Once Beck caught his breath he looked between me and Carson and asked, "Why is it stupid to threaten you infront of him?"

That's when I unmasked my scent. His eyes went wide and as I looked around all of there eyes did. "Because it is kinda idiotic to threaten an Alpha's mate and your future Luna." I said loudly.

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