Talking to James and Dad

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Carson's POV:
After I got back to the pack house from dropping Alice back off at her house, I went up to my room. James comes in my room and says, "Hey, man, why did Alice seem so persistent that it was just you two on your run earlier."

"For one why can't my mate just want to spend time with me alone." I respond.

"That's not what I meant she just seemed extra snappy about it." James said.

"Yeah you cut me off before I finished. It was probably because she opened up to me and told me where she came from. Also just a heads up man when she comes back after graduation and I introduce her to the pack as their Luna you better be ready to train harder then ever before." I said.

Then my dad came in and asked, "Why is the pack training harder?"

"They will be training harder when Alice moves in after graduation, because she will be putting some of her packs training aspects into our pack." I replied.

James jumped in, "You never said what pack she is from."

"She is from the Cresent Pack." I said.

Both of them gasped. Dad said, "There is a second surviver from that pack, how did she survive?"

I replied, "She survived because she wasn't at the pack the day they were attacked; she was with the people that raised her. And she isn't just any surviver."

James said, "Hold up who is the other surviver. Also what do you mean she isn't just any surviver."

"I mean she is the Alpha and Luna's daughter and James the other surviver is Lucy."

"Lucy from our pack Lucy." James said.

Dad said, "Yes, James that Lucy. Carson you mean to tell me that you mate is the three year old who's body was never found that day."

"Yes, that is what I am saying. Also dad since you are the one that took Lucy in, do you know how she survived, and why the pack was never told what pack she was from?" I asked.

"I will tell you what I know of Lucy's story." Dad said. "We found her about a mile into our territory. She was covered in blood, unconscious, and barely alive. She was in a coma for about a week. When she came to she was scared. When your mom finally got her to calm down and open up to her. Lucy told your mom that she had saw her parents get killed, and she took off running as she was running she could hear the screams of everyone as they were murdered. She said when she crossed into our pack lands that the rouges that attacked their pack stopped chasing her. When first staying at the pack house she would wake up screaming from nightmares of what she witnessed that day. We didn't want anyone asking her about what happened to her pack, so we decided to keep what pack she was from a secert."

"She is a survivor." James commented when dad finished talking.

"Hey, dad I have one question." I said.

"What's your question, son." Dad replied.

"Did they ever catch the group of rouges that took out the Cresent pack?" I asked.

"The packs did catch some, but none had ever caught the leader every pack was on high alert for a few years after the Cresent pack was wiped out, but they never attacked again. We still have no idea why they attacked the Cresent pack." Dad said.

"Ok, so from what I understand from what you just said dad, we really need to step up training since after my mate graduates we will have the only two surviving members of the Cresent pack in our pack." I said.

"That might be smart to do, but as long as it isn't common knowledge that they are from the Cresent pack, we should be alright." Dad said.

"Yeah, but I can't promise that when Alice puts in the new training techniques that she won't tell the pack what pack she is from because you know they will question it." I said.

"I know, but after her training actually sets in for our pack members I think we will be alright. Expectally after watching her streetfighting matches when she was 13 you know those opponents were not all human, but the ones who weren't after they were beat by a young, "human girl" as everyone thought she was they left the streetfighing world. Saying as she was 3 when her pack was destroyed. She is an fighter that all packs will want on their side that training only with humans has gotten her to the level that she is. One thing that I would want to see is what she could do against someone in wolf for." Dad said.

"Actually dad you missed it you know Aiden's buddy Ace?" I asked.

"Yeah him and Aiden are some of our toughest fighters." Dad said.

"Well she beat Aiden the first day she was here, and yesterday she was training with Ace. She was beating him and he got mad and shifted. I was about to step in when he started charging her, but then she jumped up onto his back. Wrapped her legs around his neck; I guess she was squeezing hard because Ace submit to her." I told him.

"Whoa that is crazy that she could be able to take down a wolf with out shifting." Dad said.

James comments, "Yeah it is."

"Hold up I just had a thought if she was already showing this potential when she was young. She might have been the one the rouges were after." Dad said.

"Ok, don't say that again expectionally not to her. She doesn't need to think the death of her pack was hurt fault. Also, if that is true we will protect her no matter what." I said.

"I agree son. I am going to go to bed now. Goodnight boys." Dad said.

"Goodnight, Dad." I replied.

James said, "I am going to head off to bed too. Goodnight Carson."

"Night, James."

After they left I went took a shower and changed into some basketball shorts to sleep in. I text Alice, Goodnight sweet dreams. And I fell asleep wishing I had my mate in my arms.

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