Packing to Move to Silvermoon (Part 1)

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Alice's POV
When we got back to the house we headed up to my room and Carson sat on my bed as I started taking down a couple of my posters that I wanted to bring with me, including the three with holes punched through them. Then I rolled them up and put rubber bands around each of them and started a pile in the corner. I started going through my things to figure out what I wanted to bring when in the bottom of my drawer I found an old slightly burnt photo album that I had forgot was in the drawer. When I picked it up my legs got weak and I my eyes started watering. My legs had went out but Carson caught me before I could hit the ground and I held the book tight to my chest to keep from ruining it. Carson sat down on the floor and just held me tight for a few minutes letting me cry. Then he asked, "Are you alright? What happened?"

"Yeah, I am ok. I had forgot I had this and it brought back some memories."

"What is it and what kinda memories good or bad?"

"Both it's a photo album from when I was a kid, it's one of the very few things we could salvage after the attack." I said still crying, "and not all the pictures in the book were salvageable at that."

"Do you want to look through it I am right here if you need a shoulder to cry on or punch." He said and laughed a little at the end.

"Yeah sure I can show you some of my family and friends." Then I opened the book and the first page was a picture from before my mama had found out she was pregnant with my brother. "That is my mama and papa and me I was 2 in this it was about a month before my 3rd birthday and a month and a half till my mom found out she was pregnant with my brother."

"You were such a cute toddler, you look alot like your mama." Carson said.

"Yeah I have alot of mama's looks but papa's strength and both of their attitudes." I said. Then I filled the page the next picture that you could see was from my birthday, "That was my third Birthday party with the pack the ones standing by me was Tanner who would have been my beta and Bailey she was my best friend and Lucy's little sister."

"You guys look so happy but why did Tanner have a black eye?" Carson asked.

I laughed remembering that day, "Tanner was being a brat and stole some of my food off my plate so I punched him."

"I guess you have always loved your food." He said laughing.

"Yeah I do." I said, "Tanner knew better then to mess with my food."

Then I turned the page and I started crying again. The two picture on that page was an ultrasound picture of my baby brother and a picture me jumping in the air with the same picture in my hand.

"Are you alright baby?" Carson asked.

"Yeah I am good, that was a great day that was when my parents told me I was going to be a big sister but now it's also sad see the ultrasound picture because I never got to meet my baby brother." I said sadly as I wiped my tears from my face.

"Awe baby. You would have been a great big sister." Carson said.

I turned the page then slammed the book closed because the picture on the next page was the day before the attack and was a picture of mine, Tanner's, and Bailey's families. Then said, "I think I am done look through this I can't take the next few pictures."

"Alright baby that's fine." Carson said he took the book and went and put in the pile of stuff I was taking with me. Then I grabbed a couple of picture frames of me and the boys. And a couple from the my first wins of streetfighting and streetracing. And put those in the pile as well.

"You want to go downstairs and get some lunch." I asked.

"Yeah, sure." Carson said.

So we headed downstairs and went to the kitchen. Mom was in the kitchen when we walked in and saw that I had been crying and asked, "What's wrong sweety?"

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