Packing to Move to Silvermoon (Part 3 Dad's Shop)

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Alice's POV

When my alarm went off the next morning I shut it off rolled over gave Carson a kiss and said, "We need to get up and head to the shop, and I am hungry."

"He laughed and said, "Is food really the first thing you think about in the morning."

"Yeah now get up." I said.

I got up and threw on some of my old clothes because I figured that I would end up working on my car. After we got changed I headed downstairs and grabbed food and Max asked, "Morning Sis you going to the shop today?"

"Yeah, why you ask."

"I was just seeing if I needed to get a key from dad since the mustang needs an oil change." Max answered.

"Ok we are headed out now and there is going to be a costumer come sometime to pick up a car."

"Ok, cool I will get changed and meet yall there." Max said. So me and Carson headed to my car, and drove off to the shop. We got there and headed to the garage. I gathered my tools and parts to one of the carts. Then said, "Carson you want to help me with my project car?"

"Sure what do you need." He answered.

"You could hand me tool hold the flash light since I am going to be under it today."

"Ok sounds like a plan." He said. Then I heard the bell ring but could smell it was just Max so I climbed under the car to start working. Max came back and got started on his car. About an hour later I hear the bell ring and someone say, "Aunt Bella I am going to us their bathroom." That voice sounded so formiliar then I realized it was Payton and rolled my eyes as I came out from under the car and washed my hands in the sink in the back.

"Ok, Payton I am just going to wait for someone to help us." Her Aunt said.

Then I walked out of the garage and said, "Hi, what may I help you with?"

Her Aunt said, "Can you get me someone who works here I need to pick up my car."

Then the girl that looked to be 16 that was with her said, "Mom, Obviously she works here she has grease on her face and clothes. I wish I could get a job like this."

"May, you know you need to find a better more lady like job." The Aunt said.

"Ma'am if I may intrude if she wants to work in a shop it is a great job, expectionally for an after school job but it is alot of work." I said. "And May is it if you want I can get you a job application since they are going to be needing help around here since this is my last day working here."

"See May even she is leaving here so obviously it's not the best job."

"No ma'am it's a great job with the best coworkers, but I am going to be moving to far away to still be working at this shop besides when I come and visit my family." I said.

"Oh if it's non other then Alice Blackwood what are you doing here and what are you trying to convince my Aunt." Said Payton in her bitchy way.

"Payton, you know this girl?" Her Aunt asked her.

"Yeah. We know each other we were in the same graduating class. And Payton I was just offering your cousin a job." I said.

"Some random employee can't just offer someone a job. And I couldn't help but hear you are moving did your family finally kick you out?" Payton said.

"First why would you even think that, I am actually moving in with my boyfriend that you were trying to flirt with at graduation. And second the owner wouldn't mind me offering May a job since if you didn't realize from the name of the place my dad is the owner." I said.

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