After Luna Cerimony Party (Second Half 18+)

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Warning the second half of this chapter has mature scenes, so if you don't want to read it, after they go back up to there room, after that part just skip to the next chapter.

Alice POV:

After me and Carson sat inside for a little bit, Carson headed out to the party, and I went upstairs and removed all the ridiculous make up and threw my hair in a ponytail, and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. Then headed downstairs and outside. I went over to the drink table and grabbed something strong, I saw Carson over taking to his parents and some of the jackasses that were questioning me and I didn't feel like dealing with that right now so I looked around I saw Beck, Hunter, and one other guy over drink looking like they are having a good time, so I headed that way.

I then reached their group and punch Beck in the arm and said, "Hey man, sorry about bring up your mom earlier."

"Your good, chica. Olivia was being a dumbass. But I have to ask are you good?" Beck asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How many times do I have to tell you boys that I hate being asked that."

"Beck, man. You know the Luna!" The other guy asked.

"Of course we do man. You would to if you were at training two days ago." Hunter said.

"What she trained with you guys?" The guy asked.

"Did you not hear me say earlier that Beck has been the only challenge I have found in this pack." I said laughing.

"Hold up you faught with the Luna!" The guy said.

"Yeah, Ethan. Me and Hunter both did, but unlike Hunter all my bones stayed intact." Beck said laughing.

"Hunter you let Luna break your bones?" Ethan said.

"Hold up. This all makes sense now. Why Carson was watching from the window when we faught and growled when Beck broke your nose. And why he listened when you yell for him to stay out of it. Also yeah Ethan she broke my ribs."

"Beck you broke Luna's nose!"

"Yeah, he broke my nose and bruised my ribs, but I bruised his ribs and gave him a black eye. Hunter, you could learn from your little sister and actually be able to avoid getting hit your ribs may have not have gotten broke. Ethan please stop calling me Luna, it's Alice."

Jay came over and handed me a drink that looked like some moonshine. "Jay, why you giving her applepie, man, that's way too strong for a girl let alone one her size." Ethan said. Which made me Beck and Jay laugh. I took the drink from Jay and just threw the whole cup back, it went down so easily, but I could tell too many of those could fuck me up. Ethan and Hunter were staring at me like I am crazy. Then I said, "Thanks, Jay, can you grab me another one, please."

"How the fuck did you just chug that down that fucking fast?" Hunter asked. "Ethan's right that shit is strong as fuck and it doesn't even seem to effect you."

"Boy's I learned this the other night not to try to keep up with her she had us all fucked up." Beck said laughing.

"Ethan, you aren't wrong it is strong, and too many may even get me fucked up. But I have an extremely high achohol tolerance."

"Hold up Buck you hung out with Alice the other night." Ethan said.

"Yeah, Me, Rose, Lucy, Jay, James, Alice, and Carson. That was a crazy night Alice you can get scary when you are being protective first against Jay then today against his Dad." Buck said.

"Oh, that's who that jackass is. Good to know."

"Talking about how crazy the other night, you remember the never have I ever that Lucy said?" I asked.

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