Packing to Move to Silvermoon (Part 2)

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Alice's POV
I guess we fell asleep because next thing I know I hear the door open and close. Then Connor say a little loudly for me just waking up from a great nap, "You two better have clothes on under those blankets!" Then I feel Carson stir and wake up.

"Connor calm down we do have clothes on we just fell asleep watching TV, so there is no need to get so worked up." I said.

"Good, you are still to young for that." Connor said.

Which made me and Carson start busting up laughing but I am sure it is for different reasons. "What the fuck do you to find so fucking funny." Connor snapped.

"I will go first since I am sure what he is thinking is completely different. Man, how old were you your first time?" I said.

"That's not the point." Connor said.

"Because I know you were at least making out with girls at 14 since I walked in on you that one time." I said.

"It's different your my baby sister." Conner said, "Carson what were you laughing at because I assume it's not the same thing as my sister."

"Oh, first I just have to say I will wait until she is ready, but you do know wolves can find there mate as early as there 16th birthday and most don't wait long before moving in together and completing the mating process." Carson said.

"He's got a point Connor and normally it's would be worse since we are both Alpha childern." I said laughing at my brothers disgusted face.

"Ok, I don't need to think about that at all." Connor said

"What did you come in originally for?" I questioned.

"Oh, yeah. Mom sent me up to get you guys for dinner, she made enchiladas." Connor said. Then I jumped out of bed because that is one of my favorite meals. Connor just rolled his eyes at me and said, "Y'all may want to put shirts on before coming down."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I said and grab the shirt I threw off earlier and threw it on then grabbed Carson a shirt from his bag at threw it at him. Then we all walked downstairs. When we entered the dining room Max groaned, "What took you guys so long I am starving?"

"Sorry, man. Not my fault I had to wake them up." Connor said.

Max, Jake, and Caleb all gave me a look basically asking me if anything happened. I snapped, "Boys why do all of you just assume because we were cuddled up asleep that something happened. We literally just fell asleep watching TV."

"Sweetie no one said anything why are you snapping." Mom said.

"They don't have to say anything they all gave me the look after Connor said he had to wake us up and I already had that whole conversation with Connor up stairs because he made the same assumption." I said.

"You guys have a look to ask that?" Dad asked.

"Yeah duh." Jake said laughing, "but we have never had to use it on Alice before."

"Ok let's get off this topic." Mom said, "How's the packing going sweetie."

"Good, only have a few more things to pack here then need to head to the garage and Gym to grab a few things. Also found some of my old stuff while going through things." I said.

"What things did you find?" Dad asked.

Then I felt Carson's hand go on my thigh in a comforting manner. "I found my photo album, baby blanket, as well as my Demon outfit." I said.

Then Max started laughing, and mom scolded, "Max why are you laughing you know how emotional two of those things make her."

"Yeah I know, but she also had to try on her old Demon outfit and those shorts have gotten a little shorter since her last fight." Max said. And I felt Carson's hand tighten on my thigh, so I look up at him to make sure he is alright, and can see that his eyes have gotten a little darker again, not enough for my family to notice but enough for me too. So I changed the topic, "Connor, Jake I have been meaning to ask y'all since spring break but do you think you could come help me whip the pack into shape and train them in human form please?" I asked.

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