Morning of Luna Cerimony

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Carson's POV:

The next morning we were woke up by mom coming in and saying, "Time to wake up you two, we have alot to do before noon and it's already ten o'clock."

"Mom, can you get out and let us wake up, please."

"No, because I know you Carson you will just go back to bed like you did for school when you were younger." Mom said, which made Alice laugh a little.

"Kelly, what do we all have to do that we have to get up so early?"

"We need to get you up, showered, make up, hair, and dressed and I would like to talk to you about everything that is going to happen today." Mom said.

Which made Alice huff, "Alright, whatever, but can you actually get out for just a little please Kelly."

"Alright, you guys have five minutes." Then Mom left.

"Morning Luv. How'd you sleep, and how you feeling?"

"Slept good, till your mom had to wake us up. And as long as I don't think to much I am fine but why do I have to do all the stupid make up and hair stuff."

"Because that is to please mom. I know you hate it, but we already plan to mess up her perfectly planned day by making changes to training during the Cerimony. But I was asking how are you feeling about doing the Cerimony?"

"Truefully, it is fine Carson. I am ready for the boys who have said stupid things, who have lost fights, and underestimated me to learn who I am and to be able to make the changes that need to be made here so that everyone is ready for most things that comes their way."

"Of course that's your mentality to everything today." I said with a chuckle. "We should probably get up and get dressed before mom comes in."

"Yeah, but I hate her plan for the morning because there is no time for at least a short training session."

"Mom, has already canceled all training today, so it wouldn't matter if there was time anyway."

"What that is retarded?!"

"Yeah, but she wants everyone to have the time to be ready for your Cerimony."

"Ok, whatever." Alice said rolling her eye giving me a kiss and getting up heading to the bathroom and said, "See you later then."

Then I got up I got dressed. I couldn't shake what we talked about last night so I decided to go find Dad. I opened the door and mom was just standing there, "Mom, she is in the shower, do you know where dad is I need to talk to him about something."

"Alright, and yeah your dad is in his office."

"Thanks, mom." Then I headed downstairs to dad's office. When I got there I knocked.

"Carson, come in what's up?" Dad said.

I walked in and dad, Blake and Buck were all in there. "Hey, dad."

"What were you needing?" Blake asked.

"I was curious, why it took the packs along time to clean up the Cresent pack massacre?" I asked.

"All the packs were busy, tracking and trying to catch the rogues that had attacked them." Blake answered.

"Son, why do you ask?" Dad questioned.

"Because I couldn't get something Alice said last night after we went back up to our room out of my mind."

"What she say?" Buck questioned.

"It started with talking about how Beck is so much stronger then the rest of the Warriors here and has been her only challenge."

"Of course he is stronger because his dad is our lead warrior." Blake said.

The Street Racer and the AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon