Spring Break (Part 2)

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The next day I woke up and saw it was already 11 am so I got up and throw one of my work t-shirts on and a pair of grease stained jeans. I throw the stuff I needed to change into for my race tonight into a sling bag. I went to Carson office I knocked on the door. Carson said, "Come in baby." I guess he could tell it was me because no one else masks their scent.

I walked it I went over to him and said, "Goodmoring baby and to you to James." I guess they were having some sort of Beta and Alpha meeting.

"Goodmoring Alice," James said.

"Ok, I am heading to the shop. Meet me at the shop about 7 to head to the race." I said.

I gave Carson a hug and a quick peck on the lips. Then I headed down stairs to grab a snack from the kitchen. Luke was down there with a friend talking. "Hey Luke. What are you doing today?" I asked.

"Hey Alice, I am just hanging out with my best friend Dominic. Why you ask?"Luke answered.

"Just wondering, if it is ok with your mom, if you want to hang out at Miles's shop today and then go to the race tonight." I said.

"Dominic was staying the night anyway, so I will run and ask mom if we can go with you." Luke said excitedly. He ran upstairs to ask his mom.

Dominic asked, "What race you talking about?"

"The streetrace tonight." I said.

"Are you talking about the one between Maximus, Micheal, Rosa, and Crag?" Dominic asked.

"Yep, that's the one." I said.

"Cool I really wanted to see that." Dominic said.

Luke came back down stairs and said, "We can go. When we leaving?"

"If you are coming with me to prepare. I am leaving right now." I answered.

So we all went outside and got in my Hellcat. I sped off getting to the shop. We got out and headed inside. When we got in I said, "Hey Miles we will be in the back."

"Ok, Alice be safe tonight." Millis responded.

"I always try my best but you know against my brothers anything can happen." I responded.

"Yeah, but it something happens to you Carson would kill the one that hurt you." He said laughing.

Dominic said, "Why would Alpha kill someone if she got hurt."

Luke answered, "Man she is Carson's mate that's why."

"Oh ok that makes since." Dominic responded.

Then we went to the back. I went and popped the hood of my Demon. Then I hear Dominic scream, "It that Rosa's Car?"

Luke said cooly, "Yeah, and you know the person behind Rosa is our future Luna herself."

"What the fuck, that is cool." Dominic said.

I did my preparations on my car and the boys just sat there watching me and talking about whatever. I kinda just tuned them out. I felt a pair of arms go around me I grabbed them spinning out of them and twisting the arms hard. Then I realized it was Carson, I let go of his arms and said, "You really like getting thrown acrossed shops don't you, Didn't you learn the first time not to mess with me when I am working. Also is it already 7."

He replied, "Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you baby and it is almost seven I was just wanting to let you know we brought food, if you want to eat."

"Your good normally I would have hear you coming, but I was kinda tuning Luke and Dominic out. And food, I could use food." I said.

So we went out to the front after I washed my hands, and ate some sloppy shredded BBQ chicken sandwiches for dinner. Then it was time to head to the race, so I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom to change. I came out hopped in my car. The others were already in James Mustang they followed me to the race. When we got to the race we parked by my brothers.

The Street Racer and the AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang