Talking to Caleb and Race Day

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Alice POV:

After Carson and James left I went out to the main waiting area to talk to Caleb. "Hey Caleb, you get all your parts ordered for your car?" I asked.

Caleb answered, "Yeah I did. Also sis wants going on I can tell you are upset and happy at the same time?"

"Okay, can we sit down?" I said.

Caleb, "Yeah let's sit on the couch."

"You know those wolves that just left. Well Alpha Carson is my." I paused not knowing to tell him or not.

Caleb, "Your what?!"

Me, "His my mate ok, but he doesn't know since my scent is masked."

Caleb, "He is your mate that's exciting, but why you upset."

I answered, "I said something about my pack land and them not able to run back to there pack since there is  pack lands there and he said that it doesn't matter since there hasn't been a pack on those lands in 14 years and it made me want to cry so bad because it brought up bad memories about my family and pack being murdered, but I couldn't cry because then he would of figured out who I was."

Caleb, "You can't blame him because he doesn't know who you are, but sis I understand. When he figures out that you guys are mate you can make him work for your love and make up for making such a harsh comment in front of the only surviving member of that pack. Also is your Demon ready to race?"

I answer, "Your right and yeah my Demon is ready I need to go home talk to dad about their cars see you to night."

Caleb said, "Ok, see ya. Don't worry to much about your mate whatever happens will happen and if he hurts you, we will hurt him." I busted up laughing and left to go home.

When I got home I went to see mom to ask where dad was. "Hey mom, do you know where dad's at I need to talk to him?"

Mom answered, "Alice, your dad is in here with me."

Dad said, "What's up Alice?"

I answered, "Dad, Millis can't touch my clients cars they are the carry red Demon and dark blue Mustang."

Dad asked, "Why not normally you don't mind Millis helping you out?"

I kinda of snapped, "Because these cars belong to a Alpha and Beta and I am going to listen when they told me, I am the only one able to touch it."

They both looked a little shocked that I snapped like I did. Then Mom said, "Alice, what is actually going on you never snap at us unless it has to do with your cars."

I replied, "Dad sorry for snapping. And what is actually going on is I found my mate today."

Mom screamed, "You found your mate! I am guessing it's one of the owners to those cars."

I replied, "Yeah the Alpha. He doesn't know though since my scent was masked. Sorry mom I know you would love to sit here and chat about this all day but I have a race against Max tonight, so I have to go."

Mom said, "Ok, you can go get ready and find Connor to let steam off on, but first can I at least know his name."

I said, "His name is Carson. Now I am going to find Connor, see you guys later."

I left and found Conner and asked "Hey Connor you up to spare?"

Connor answered, "Yeah, sure. But first sis I can tell something is bothering you, so tell me what it is then we can spare."

I said "Ok."

Then I went on explain what happened at the shop this morning and we went to fighting. I beat him like normal. Then I left to my room and took a shower and got ready for the race. Then I went back to the shop to get my Demon and went to my old pack land were the race was being held tonight. Me and Max were the main event race.

When the we were lined up, we both gave each other the look that the other was going down. I know it was going to be a tight race, but what he doesn't know is I added an extra tank of nitrous to my Demon, but I don't plan on using it unless it is nessaccary. I could hear the screams for both of us. Then I smelt it, Carson and James were here. I looked at Max and he could see I needed to get out of here as fast as I could. So we both reved our engines. And the girl let the flag down telling us to go. And we were off it was a tight finish but I bet him without using any of my nitrous. We got out I gave him a hug and said, "Good race man."

He said, "Same chica."

Then I saw Carson, James, and someone who looked like a younger James come up. The younger looking James said, "Are you guys dating is that why you let Rosa win, Maximus."

Me and Max started laughing. And Max, replied, "Me and Rosa dating that would be something, but no never. What's your name kid?"

Luke replied, "It's Luke, but I am not normally your fan normally I am Michael's but my brother James there is a fan of yours."
It's like Caleb heard his race name because right after look said that Caleb came up and jump on my back and grabbed Max's neck and said, "You did good guys Maximus you know you will never bet little miss Rosa."

I said, "Hey, just because I am young then both of you doesn't mean I am little now get off my back your fucking heavy."

Luke screeched like a little girl and said, "Hold up mine James and Carson's favorite racers all know each other." Max and Caleb gave me a look like asking if this Carson was who I was telling them about earlier.

I replied to Luke,  "Yeah, I know these knuckle heads. Who do you think fixes Michael's car everytime it brakes while having to work on my own."

Luke looked at Caleb and said, "You let her fix your car, you will never win if the competition is the one working on your car."

Caleb said, "Yeah, but if she doesn't make them at least close to as good as her car we would bet her ass."

I said, "As if. If you tried you would end up back in the hospital and I just knocked Maximus out the other day y'all are weak."

Then the announcer of the races tonight came up to me and said, "Here you go Rosa here is your reward for winning see you next time." And he left.

I said, "Alright boys I am heading back y'all coming or not."

Max whined, "Already Rosa why so early."

I sassally replied, "Yeah this early I have other stuff to do then sit around here boys. Now if you are coming, let's go."

I was headed back to my car when Caleb yell, "Wait up, I am riding with you."

Me, Caleb and Max, said to Carson, Luke and James, "See ya, hope to see you guys around, bye."

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