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For the next month, Alice and Carson hung out as much as they could. Carson would come to Alice's shop and just watch her work when he had time. Today is the day of Alice and Max's graduation.

Alice's POV:
Carson, James, our families, and Lucy came to see my graduation they all sat together. After the stupid long ceremony all of us graduates headed back to our families as I went to find Carson and James, I saw Payton walk up to them and started flirting with them.

I heard her say, "Hey boys. I haven't seen you around school before, so who's family you?"

James answered her, "Actually we aren't anyone's family we are her for this dumbasses girlfriend."

"Oh.. who is your girlfriend?" She asks Carson.

Me and Max came up behind her. I walked around her and kissed Carson on the lips.

"What the fuck she is your girlfriend why would you want that crazy bitch." Payton yelled.

Carson started to answer, "Because she is perfect."

Payton the just looked at James and said, "Ok, so if you are here for you friend here why don't you just come hangout with me."

James went to answer but I cut him off and said, "Would you just give it up since freshman year you have tried to get into almost all of my brothers pants now, my boyfriend and his bestfriend would your hoe ass just leave me, my friends and family along Payton and go back to you bitch squad."

"Whatever." She replied and walked away.

Then we all walked over to our families. I went over to Lucy and gave her and her daughter a big hug. Lucy then pulled me over to the side and pointed over and Parker and his family and asked me, "Who is that?"

"Oh, that is Parker he was the schools badboy and the only other person in this school that smells like a wolf. Why you ask?"

"Because he is my mate." She said.

"Oh.... Ok, leave Penelope with Carson I will introduce you to him." I said.

"Thanks," She said to me then turned to Carson and asked, "Can you watch Penelope for a little bit?"

He looked between me and Lucy and could see there was something up. Then he replied, "Yeah sure I will watch her. You to be careful with whatever you are doing."

Then me and Lucy walked over to Parker and his family, who I could tell his dad was a wolf but his mom wasn't. I could also tell they are not Rouges so I wonder what pack they are from. As we got close I could see Parker sniff the air trying not to make it obvious. 

When we were right next to them I said, "Hey, Parker. I would like to introduce you to my friend Lucy." I then hear Parker whisper "mate".

His dad must of heard him because he then asked, "Son, what was that?"

He replied, "Dad, this girl, Lucy, is my mate."

Then his dad turned to us and went to hug Lucy, but my dumbass took it as a threat and sent a quite warning growl his way.

Parker then looked at me and asked, "Did you just growl at my dad I thought you were human Alice he was just trying to be friendly to my mate and give her a hug."

"Yeah Parker I am a wolf too dumbass. Also, sorry Mr. Allen I am a little protective of my friend we have been through a lot I don't trust easily." I replied.

Parkers dad said, "It's ok I didn't mean to be threatening but I can see it can be taken that way. I couldn't help, but over hear you yelling at the girl you called Payton earlier are you really Alpha Carson's girlfriend he hasn't made an announcement about finding his mate."

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