Chapter 11

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"You seem to zone out too much today. What happened? Are you okay?" Pinky nudged me while I was having my lunch. "Nothing! Iam okay." To be honest, I was disturbed. From the moment we almost kissed, my thoughts are hijacked! Does he feel the same or is it just me? Staying single for a long time has taken it's troll. I don't know much about dating and that leaves me confused whether iam doing it right! "Pinky! Help me out! I have a situation!" She looked at me as she munched on the chicken fry. "Hmm!! I can guess it's about dating with the busy man!" "You are a goddess! Now help me out! What should I do?" She looked up and then at me dramatically and stuffed her mouth with rice. I patiently waited as she chewed her food. " Did you kiss?" I shook my head as memories invaded again. "Almost!" I pouted as I picked on the beans I stocked in the plate. "I want to know how he feels about me. Is it mutual or am I just in dreamland far from reality?" "You took him on a date right? Now wait for him to take initiative! You can't always be the one to initiate!" I nodded my head as she started munching on my chicken fries. I glared at her and she winked." Fees for my advice! Nothing is free babes!" She kissed in the air and continued eating. Maybe I should just wait for him to initiate! Yes! I will just do that!


" the afternoon you have a lunch meeting with the CEO of Goodwills company. After that...." I couldn't bring myself to listen to Shreya as my mind kept swaying away. It was filled with her. Her smile, her pout, her laugh, her lips... I gulped again as the memory returned again. "That's all for today sir! Is there any change in your schedule sir?" I shook my head and dismissed her with a 'thank you'. I looked at the computer screen as her lips came into view. I was completely disturbed since then. Does she feel the same or is it just me? I shouldn't have taken it that far but I just couldn't stop myself. It's been long since she contacted! Is she okay? If you miss her, why don't you call her yourself? I looked around to see if someone was there. Oh! It was my inner self who spoke! Maybe I should just text her something. A Hi should do. I typed a 'Hi' with a smily emoji but quickly cleared it. A simple Hi is boring. How should I start a conversation? "Come in!" I said as someone knocked. " This is the file you requested sir! And this is the annual report sir. I checked it already sir. Tell me if I have to change anything sir." Shreya stood there waiting for my response. "Uh Shreya! I need your help with something!" She nodded while I searched for proper words. "How should I start a conversation with....." I couldn't bring myself to call her my girlfriend. "A Woman?" She completed. I nodded as I looked at her with attention. She smiled before answering. "You can go with simple phrases like how is your day or asking about their meals or something about your last meeting!" "Oh...! " I looked at my phone again as my mind started working. "Thanks for your help Shreya!" I took my phone and typed my message.
               "Had your dinner?"
Wow! You came up with just that? What a genius Laksh! I ignored my inner self and proudly put down my phone. My phone pinged with a message and I was quick to read it.
      "Just had my lunch😅! It's too early to have my dinner."
Shit! I should have noticed the time! Is it my turn to text now? What should I text? Should I just ignore it? No I can't! My thoughts were cut off by a phone ring. "Sir! It's time for your lunch meeting!" "I got it!" I looked at the phone and sighed! Dating is complicated for me!


I kept on looking at my phone waiting for his next text but it never came! Was I too sarcastic? I should have just said no or something funnier. "Emergency! Doctors are requested in the 3rd unit!" I rushed out to attend my duty.

Three days later

I sighed again as I looked at his last seen. Is he ignoring me? Maybe he is just too busy! How can he not text me atleast once in three days? "You should stick on to him or else he will forget you!" It was Latha who spoke. We were in our doctors room relaxing for some time. "Nope! Wait till he takes initiative!" Pinky shouted from the rest room. "You can't wait forever! If you want it, you should go for it. Waiting is foolish!" Latha sat down on the bed and looked at me. "But...." I started but she stopped me. "You like him! You need to work on it. Ignoring him is useless." She sounded reasonable. Maybe I shouldn't wait for him to text me.
       "This is the girl waiting for that someone to text her! Isn't she miserable?"
I attached a skeleton photo to it. I placed my phone on the table and kept staring at it. My text was ignored. It wasn't even read. This is irritating! How can he just ignore me? I need to meet him! "Pinky! Cover for me will ya? Iam leaving! I need to take care of that asshole who is ignoring me!" I was angry a bit. Who wouldn't be? I stormed off from the hospital and headed to his office. How dare he ignore me? He better give me a proper excuse or else he is dead! "I would like to meet your CEO!" "Sorry ma'am! He is busy right now! We can't let you in!" "Tell him that Saanvi is here!" She shook her head and resumed her work. For times like this, I have a Trump card up my sleeve. I smirked as I dialled the number. After some time, the receptionist came to me. "Iam sorry ma'am! Please come  this way." Looks like my move worked! "Sir is in a meeting now. You can wait in his office." I looked around and went the other direction." Ma'am! Not that way!" The girl ran behind me as I searched for the meeting room. It must be around here. Without a second thought, I pushed open the door and all of the staff stared at me. But my attention was directed only to that one pair of eyes which widened on seeing me. I stormed to his place and locked him in his chair. I held the chair on both the sides and glared at him. He looked surprised and didn't move. I bent a little, closing the distance between us. He turned away his face in nervousness. "How can you avoid your girlfriend for three days Mr.CEO? Don't you know that she will be angry if you ignore her like this?" There were gasps that echoed while he looked back at me, trying to make space between us. I didn't budge as he signalled me to move. I was angry and he should know it too. " Let's end the meeting here! Please leave everyone!" He announced and they started to leave. What will you do next? I'm eager to know Mr. CEO!


Are you eager too?🤔 Let me know in the comments! Sry for the delay! Hope you enjoy!
    I purple you💜


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