Chapter 26

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The day felt almost unending. Making him jealous became the sole duty of Sanjay. He took every opportunity served to him. From trying to flirt with me to feeding me, he applied everything he has.

"Sanjay is the best person for this, right!" Brinda nudged me on my shoulder as we stood afar from the crowd. " Saanvi, what if he doesn't give in even after all this? Will you give up on him?" There was this serious tone which demanded real answers.

"I don't know anymore. All this is childish but it gives me some hope I can hold onto." The wind was whistling and the night suddenly felt cold. " Maybe....just maybe.... I might give up on him." I looked down at my hands as some tension wrapped around me.

"Cheer up my friend! We will do everything we can!" I looked up at her and she winked at me making me giggle.

Sangeet starts in the evening. We got to rest a lot and now, we are running around carrying out errands.

"Saanvi, not there! The white flowers go in the middle." Charita was responsible for the decorations and I opted to help her.

"The pink is too dominating that arch, let's change it!" I turned to glare at her. "We need it to be perfect for our Megha right!" She gave me a cheeky smile. "Wait till it's finished. I will kill you!" I gave her a threat as I slowly pulled out the pink roses.

"Saanvi, this is the playlist I have made. Check and see if we can add anything else!" Brinda let me sit down which gave me a moment of relaxation. "Ah! Thanks Brinda! My legs are dying." I scrolled through the playlist and gave her a thumbs up. " Megha's favourite songs are in, so it's perfect!"

The place was set for the evening celebrations. Sanjay was busy on his video calls whereas we were busy with the works.

"Oh god! My arms are killing me." Charita plopped down on my bed beside me. "Oh princess! I did all the work." She shrugged and closed her eyes. "Let me have a nap! I need the energy for later." "Me too!" Tiredness took over my body and soon I fell into a deep slumber.

"Di! Wake up! Di! Di!" Meena's voice echoed in the background but my eyes refused to open. "Five minutes, Meenu." I hit her hand away and turned to the other side. My annoying sister had to accomplish her mission so she pulled me up in a sitting position. "The hell Meena!" I cursed at her. "They will soon be here! All are ready and Brinda Di had given me strict orders not to descend without you. Now go and get ready!" Shit! I was the only one running late.

It took me almost 30 minutes to get ready and go down with an awkward smile. Just as usual, only Ritvik's few friends were present with gifts. To my disappointment, he was absent. My eyes browsed the whole place and he was no where to be found. I covered up my disappointment with a fake smile and made my way towards my group.

"Saanvi, you don't have to be so sad. We will get him tomorrow." I shook my head softly and gave out a big smile. "This is your celebration Megha. I don't want to spoil it." I took her hands in mine. "Let's have some fun then! Tonight iam gonna be your DJ." Charita let out a scream of joy and the rest followed. "Rock it then! Just like old times!" I gave her a nod. Although, inside I felt like running away from here, I covered it up well and played the music. My friends have done enough for me. They put up through all this trouble though it was childish. They were willing to try everything for me and I kept acting like a kid. It's high time I chin up and quit this play. Quit this whole thing all at once.

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