Chapter 24

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" and the professor had to just let me go. There was nothing he could do then." We were all relishing our college memories. "Seriously yaar! I wish I had taken the medical stream." Sanjay winked at me again which had Brinda rolling her eyes at him.

"Sanjay! Will you stop this? She ain't feeling comfortable." He let out a laugh before getting up from the bed.

"Okay! I guess it's time to spill the beans." He rubbed his palms before resuming.

"Iam already married and we are expecting our first child soon." Shocked would be an understatement of how we all felt. "Damn you Sanjay! We hate you! Stay away! Get lost!" Charita threw the pillow at him and we all followed.

After hitting and cursing him to our hearts content we finally settled to listen to his story.

"Aww! Just imagine Sanjay holding a bundle of cuteness." Charita looked up with her dramatic eyes. "And not to forget his face when he changes the diapers all by himself." Sanjay let out a sigh as we teased him.

"Then why were you flirting with me? Is it fun to make me uncomfortable?" I placed my hands on my waist and raised my brow at him.

"I was just teasing you. I thought of know....make your man jealous or something. But my bad, you are still single. My apology for my behaviour." For a moment, all the events replayed which build a tense atmosphere. "Well you can't say she is single...."

After filling in my situation to Sanjay, he looked at me with pity filled eyes. "He is a tough guy. If I place myself in his shoes I might not do the same. But the thing is, a third person shouldn't decide your future." I gave him a nod as I fell back on the bed. "I don't know anymore! I just want him to stay by my side. Why is it so difficult for him?" "I say, Saanvi, go for it! If he really loves you, don't let him go because of another person. Win him!" "The question is how?" Charita was quick to push him into a deep thought.

"Actually, we can make a good use of Sanjay!" Brinda spoke up. We all gave her our full attention as she stood up with a look that screamed 'time for a class'.

"It's simple! Make him jealous! He needs to burn enough to come out of his shell!" Meena clapped as we all just stared at her. " What do you mean?" I asked.

" According to psychology, Jealousy is a negative emotion in which an individual resents a third party for appearing to take away the affections of a loved one.Romantic relationships are the prototypic source of jealousy, but any significant relationship is capable of producing it." If my life was a drama and the genre is rom-com then it was at this moment that would give audience a hearty laugh. We all just stared at her with a question mark appearing on our heads. "You are all grown ups. Why can't you get it?" Brinda rolled her eyes at all of us.

"Oh come on! How would making him jealous open him up?" I threw my hands in the air and scoffed at her. Can a psychiatrist be this dumb? Iam starting to worry about her future now.

"Di! You are the dumb ass here." Meena took Brinda's place and faced us all. "Well.... thinking about it, I kinda get it now." Charita joined her. " Care to explain anyone?" Meena raised her hand. "Hmm ...let me explain in a way you understand." She took a few moments before looking at me.

"Remember when Lee Suho proposed Ju gyeong?" I nodded quickly. "Why did he propose her in a rush?" "He thought she misunderstood?" I couldn't remember that k-drama completely. Only a few remarkable scenes." And?" Meena widened her eyes and looked at me expectantly. " He was jealous of Seo Jun? Is that it?" "Exactly! He was scared that Seo Jun will steal her if he didn't make a move. Now apply it." It made complete sense now. "But....its a drama Meenu! And this is real life. I don't think it can be applied in reality. It's too childish." Meena held my shoulders and shook me violently. "Offo Di! Jealousy card is an evergreen Trump card. It works everytime." I was still not convinced. "If this doesn't work out then you can have all my snacks at home. I will never complain. If that isn't enough bargain then I will permanently let you have that limited edition dress and the boots that you were dying to have." My eyes twinkled as I gave her an evil smile. "Deal!" Meena knew how to place her cards. For a moment, my heart raced with excitement. "Woah! Meena! You are willing to bet that big?" Megha clapped her hands and Meena flipped her hair with a proud look.

"Wait and watch! I never lose!" "That's the spirit Meena!" They all cheered. We were disturbed by a cough and turned to look at Sanjay who was glaring at all of us.

"I don't remember giving my consent. Shouldn't the actor be persuaded first?" He tapped his foot and continued to glare at us.

"To hell with your persuasion! Did you just forget that you didn't invite any of us to your wedding! How do you plan to make it up to all of us?" Charita was ever ready in such situations to attack.

"And not to forget he just disappeared without any trace for years....!" I added. "Someone forgot about all the assignments that we finished for him. Ungrateful brat!" He looked at us in disbelief while Meena just gave him a sympathetical pat on his shoulder.

"Wow! Aren't you ladies too cruel? We just met after years and now you are all blackmailing me?" He pointed at us accusingly. " you remember Saanvi? There was a time when someone had to sneak away for a late night date and you had to cover for his attendance." Charita continued her merciless attack which had him in a tough position. I pity him!

"Yeah I remember! I had to literally spend a fortune on the house monitor to shut him up. " I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"And do you remember...." Charita started again. "Enough! Enough! I get it! I owe you guys big time. I give up!" He lifted his hands up and gave us a bow. " I seriously don't want a set of daughters. I can picturize my future." He shivered which had us all giggling.

"Now do you get it?" Meena dusted her hands off after a long lecture of hers. "So practically I just need to be lovey dovey with her and make sure he watches it in front row. Right?" We all nodded in unison. "Fine!" He gave out a huge sigh. Doing this was childish and I completely admit it but losing him is not an option at all. I am willing to put up any stunt to make him open up for once.

Let the war begin!


Hope you enjoyed this chap🥰

The k-drama mentioned above was 'True Beauty' 

Lately I am completely drowning in the k-drama sea🤩🤩 and True Beauty is one of the best recommendations.

If you guys have any good recommendation, do let me know 😉



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