Chapter 8

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"Just a little bit more! Hope you can endure your hunger!" I said as I climbed the mud slope. He was panting and so was I. "Where are we actually going?" He asked as I looked around for signboards. "A place where we can fill our stomachs!" There it was! I smiled and looked at him. He looked confused. I turned and faced him. "What happened?" "Shh! Try to listen carefully! You will hear something." He narrowed his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound. "Is it...?" I nodded and resumed walking. The sound became clearer as we walked further. "Wow!" I watched him as he looked mesmerized by the waterfalls. "Beautiful! Isn't it?" He simply nodded without taking his eyes off the beauty. "Let's go! I am starving!" I walked further and turned to him. "It is slippery!" I said and forwarded my hand. He stared at me before holding my hand. We walked carefully on the moss-filled rocks and reached the restaurant. It was a small, cozy restaurant named, 'Natural Aroma!' We walked in and Geeta Di(elder sister) quickly came and hugged me. "How are you? We missed you! Especially Ram!" Ram is her son. We were close cause I visited them at weekends. I hugged her back while Laksh just watched us. "This is my friend Laksh! Get us the usual! We are starving!" I said and took a seat by a table. She nodded and went in. Laksh sat down and I wriggled my eyebrows. "Do you like it?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. Within no time, our food is served and we started digging in. "Don't judge the food by this place! Though the place looks a little small, the food here is awesome! I am a regular customer! I can assure you that!" We started filling our stomachs and by the look on his face, I can see that he likes it. "What is your favorite sport?" I was surprised to see him taking the initiative to chat. We enjoyed our food as we shared our likes and dislikes. I am happy and eager to see where and how this date ends! "Let's go! I am charged!" He said as we paid the bill. "Bye Ram! I will come later to play with you!" I said and kissed his cheek. They waved us bye and we resumed our journey. "So...where are we going next?" I remained silent and kept walking. "Saanvi! Where are we going next?"
"To find a place to sleep!" I said and yawned. "You are a doctor! You should know that sleeping right after a meal isn't good for you!" I turned to him with a raised eyebrow." Not all doctors are fitness freaks!" I said and resumed walking. After that, he didn't speak. Did I offend him? I stopped walking when I saw the big tree where I usually take a nap. I put down my backpack and leaned against the tree. He sat beside me and did the same. "By this time, I would have been drained out of energy in the hospital." I said and smiled at him. He returned the smile and leaned back. "Sleep!" He said and closed his eyes. "Someone was talking about fitness...." I teased him as I closed my eyes.

An involuntary smile crept over my lips as I ogled at him. He was sleeping peacefully. His hair became a mess that added to his hotness. Ah! If anyone sees me now, they will declare me a pervert! But who cares when you get to drool over this guy! He opened his eyes slowly and I quickly averted my gaze. Hope he didn't catch me with that dreamy look again! I cleared my throat and looked at him. "What's the time now?" He asked as he looked around us. "4:45!" I answered as I got up and dusted off myself. "We slept for too long!" He looked at his watch as I stretched. "Should we return?" He asked which made me look at him with disbelief. He shrugged and looked back." If we start now, we may go back by the time it gets dark." I shook my head and looked front. "We still have a lot of time! Come!" I said and pulled him along with me. After walking for half an hour, we reached the fair. "What is it?" "It's a fair! Let's go and have some snacks! I am hungry!" We entered the fair and he kept looking around. "Why is it in the middle of this...." I cut him off quickly by pulling him to a food stall. "Oof! Let's eat! There is nothing suspicious here! These people live here!" He nodded in understanding. "Let's eat that French fries!" I pointed at the menu on the board. "Why aren't there any chairs?" He looked around again. I hit him playfully on his hand. "You should stop being a detective Laksh!" He widened his eyes at me and I know the reason! His name! I quickly turned to the front where there was a crowd. "Let's go before it is finished." We reached the counter and he got more confused! "What's happening here?" "This is the specialty of this place! Money is invalid here! You need to win the thing you want!" "Your three trials are over! Next! Are you going to play?" The man asked us and I bobbed my head. I looked at Laksh as he took the rings. "These games look like the ones played in an exhibition!" He exclaimed as he got ready to throw. After 2 fails, he looked at me helplessly. "No problem! You still have a last try!" I encouraged him. He threw and I eagerly watched the ring as it landed around a biscuit packet. The crowd cheered as the man handed over the packet to me. Laksh looked disappointed. "No problem! It's okay! Something is better than nothing!" I said and fed him a biscuit. "Let's go try another stall!" I said and pulled him with me. He stopped me and pulled me to a stall. "I am good at shooting! Let's try this!" He said and looked at the menu. "Do you want egg noodles?" He asked and I nodded. "Let's go and get it!" And we did! The moment he hit a bull's eye, I noticed a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. He proudly passed me the plate. The evening was spent with Laksh trying all the games and me, eye feasting on him as he played. We didn't eat all the stuff won by him rather, we gave it away to children who were just watching! As we left the fair, I understood one thing for sure! That I am starting to like this guy! And I don't feel it wrong in any way!


It's been so long since the last update! Sry for the delay dear readers! Hope u enjoy this chap! And for those who don't know, I have posted a new story on the werewolf genre! If anyone is interested, do give it a try! Last but not least, I have started a page on insta and I will uploading my small works there, if interested, drop by....@__.secretsparker.__
See u soon😘😘

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