Chapter 5

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"Did my daughter in law say when will she come? Will she even come here? Where did u people plan to go?" My mom was going on and on with this since I woke up. I was having my breakfast when dad returned from the gym. "Look at you! Iam excited for your date and you don't even care about it!" Now the lioness is back. "Son! Please don't anger her today or else I would have to order my food today." I giggled at my dad's miserable expression. " Laksh! Please son..." I finally looked at her. " She is the only one who selected you and she even want to date you which means she want to know about you! Don't let her go!" Before I can answer , my phone rang . "Madhu! I will be there in 5 minutes. Get the meeting started." I said and after hugging my mom, I left. Iam sorry Mom! I don't want to humiliate her! Going out with her can only lead to her unhappiness! Moreover this dating thing won't last long so I'd better don't have any hopes.


"Is this good?" I asked myself again as I looked at it thoroughly in the mirror. Well red doesn't suit me! Ugh!!! Getting ready for a date is really tiresome!! I flopped down on the hill of dresses I made on my bed. After a tiring half an hour, I finally got ready. I texted him saying that I will be there shortly. I smiled just looking at my phone. Its gonna be my first date with him. I just hope everything will turn out good. I quickly started the car and drove to the restaurant. I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror before getting out. I took a few breaths to calm down myself and entered the restaurant. Well!! I guess iam not the one who is late this time. I chose a seat by the window and sat down. I guess I need to wait. I took out my phone and noticed that my last message wasn't seen. He must be really busy. In order to kill time, I opened candy crush and just as I started, I smelled him. I looked up to see him in his professional attire. He sat down and apologized. "Hey! You don't need to! I can understand!" I said and he looked down. Shit! I don't want my first date to go down the waters! "So let's order!" I said and he called for the waiter. I ordered my favourite and he took the initiative to order his'. After he was done, he looked at me. That was enough to tense me up. Cool down! Cool down! I looked at him with a smile. "So tell me about your hobbies!" I started and the conversation went on. Since its our first day, we just shared about our lives. He got a call and he excused himself. He answered the call and I took my sweet own time to check him out. I firstly looked at his dress, which was professionally worn and should I just say that he looked just like the way the authors describe a CEO or a rich hero in their novels. And then came his body structure which stuck perfectly to his dress at the right places. God! Should I just the blame the hormones! And his lips! Saanvi! What's wrong with you! You are getting distracted. But slowly my eyes kept looking at him and then suddenly our eyes met! Crap! Did he catch me drooling at him! I looked down and then slowly looked up. My eyes next fell on his mark! The burnt mark. It was black and it just looked like a sticker covering a handsome face beneath. But I don't think so he is ugly with that. He is surely one of the handsome and hot guys I have seen. "Sorry! It was a call from the office!" His voice broke my chain of thoughts." No no! I should be the one apologising! I made you take a leave during work hours!" He smiled and our conversation continued. "So...tell me something about your professional life." He asked as soon as we got silent. "Well...." I started off when suddenly bugs decided to disturb us. " Look there man! I pity her state! Look at him and look at her. Such a beautiful girl and then look at him....I seriously got scared when I looked at him...." And they went on and on. With every word they said, Laksh's expression kept changing. Oh no! Please! " Uh .. Saanvi! I..I got some work! So please excuse me!" He said suddenly and left. No!!! I hate this!! I turned to the group of bugs responsible for this. I took my phone and got up from my place. " You know what! I'd appreciate you people if you just mind your own business! Otherwise why don't you guys start a business of yours for matchmaking since you think you are too good in that!" They were looking at me with shocked faces. " I swear if I see you guys again, I will do worse than killing!" I was fuming when I left.


I shouldn't have come here in the first place. Why the hell was I tempted to meet her! And now, she must be cursing me. It's good now that she hates me for that! I can call off this dating thing early than I thought! I felt good around her! But I can't let her sacrifice her happiness for my selfishness! Never! My phone pinged with a message. It was her's.
"It was a good day though it didn't end up the way we want! No big deal. Have a good rest and meet u tmrw.
P.s: you were looking good today😊😊
See you tmrw"
I don't know what's wrong with her! But I shouldn't let this happen.
" Sorry! I know you hate me now. I won't blame you! We can call this off! Iam sorry for today! Let's not meet again!"
And I sent the message. She is the only girl who told me that I was good looking. Maybe she said it to just comfort me. And the way she looked at me when I was talking on the phone, I really couldn't make out why she was looking at me like that! Whatever it was, now I have nothing to do with her! I should just leave now!

Author's pov:

And just like that their first date ended! It wasn't good like they expected. And now that he thought of leaving her, will she agree?


Hey there! I know I's been a long time since I updated.
Until next update.....
I purple you 💜

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