Chapter 18

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"Iam not hungry." I pushed away the plate and stood up. Pinky followed me as I walked to our rest area. "I get it, you are upset. But's been days since you ate a proper meal." I lay down on my stomach and closed my eyes. I felt her presence as she sat down on the bed beside me. "I hate seeing you upset ,my friend." She placed her palm on my back in a comforting manner. I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling. "Talk to him." I shook my head as I straightened myself and hugged my knees to my chest. " I tried." It came out as a soft whisper. " He is such a bastard! Let me see him, I will do worse than killing." "Thanks yaar! But...he isn't..." She put up her hand to cut me off. " Fine! He isn't at fault as you say. Then why is he ignoring you? If he wants to break up then don't you think it's his minimum responsibility to clear out with you. Is he a real man? How can he make you run after him like a dog?" I gave her a pout. "Yeah! Iam scolding you too. Leave that asshole! He don't deserve you! Why would you even go after him this badly? Argh! I don't understand few women!" She fell back on the bed with a sigh.

"'cause she is in love!" Latha was standing by the door. "Being in love doesn't tell you to throw your dignity away!" Pinky spat out. " Ofcourse you won't understand! You have never been in love!" Latha smirked as she settled on the sofa. " Look at that bitch! Acting as if you know everything!" "I may not know everything but I definitely know more than you!" Latha stated as she flipped through the patient's file. "Do you wanna fight ,bitch?" Pinky stood up and was ready to throw her fists when I stopped her. "Enough! Enough! Let's get back to work!" I hugged her waist and dragged her out of the room. These two women fight like siblings. Somehow they always end up fighting in one way or the other.
" Did you notice that bitch? Argh! She is getting on my nerves day by day!" I chuckled as she massaged her temples. They were a major help for me but at times I just drown in my own misery. The situation at home is way worse. I end up drinking almost every day and show up completely in a pathetic state which makes my parents worry. I tried not to think of him but my mind wasn't complying. I dream about him frequently. Crying was the only thing left for me to join the just-broke-up club. I spoke less and ate less. I just wasn't myself these past few days.

"Dr. Saanvi. There is a visitor for you." The receptionist announced and pointed towards the canteen. " Who is it?" "No idea doctor." She shrugged with an apologetic smile. I was half expecting him. "How are you my dear?" His mom ran and hugged me as soon as she saw me approaching. "Iam fine mom. How are you?" She looked at me with worry as she noted the differences. "Oh my! Look at you! You lost weight! Your dark circles are horrible! I can't see you this way! Iam sorry my dear!" She shook her head with concern. "Don't worry mom. It's alright. It's just work stress." I reasoned out. "I made you something." Her eyes brightened as she took out a box and opened the lid. It was a cake with chocolate toppings. "It's filled with chocolate and my love." I smiled as I took a bite. "Mmm! Too good mom! You should consider opening a bakery." My taste buds came back to life as pure chocolate hit them. "I think I need to tell you this." I gave her my full attention as l took another spoon full of the cake. Starving myself for a few days has taken its toll on me as my stomach started growling for more food. "I thought he will eventually share it with you but I guess I need to do this." I nodded for her to resume. "It's about that girl, Mona Kapoor. She was his first love." Suddenly the cake felt bitter and sadness consumed me. I wasn't sad that she was his first love but why would he hide it from me? " She is a terrible human Saanvi!" I fell silent as I heard her. "She bullied him. She bullied him for his looks. She lead him on and made him do everything. The reason for him to overcome his depression was her but then she became his nightmare. It may seem silly for others but to him....she just killed a part of him." She looked down as sadness clouded her vision. I placed my hand oh her shoulder in a comforting way. She looked up at me with a smile and blinked her tears away.
" He forgot to smile and was just dead." She let out a soft sigh. "I still remember that day when he decided to finally confess his love. That morning he was lively and all smiles. He made me cook his favourite meal and also packed my hand made chocolate for her. But he never returned that day. " A tear left her eye and she quickly wiped it away. " We found him in a park, sitting and crying all by himself." I can only imagine his pain.
" We sent him away to cure him. He studied and came back as himself but the wound was still there. I grow angry whenever I see her. She could have just rejected him in a decent way. Why humiliate and break him?" Her brows furrowed in anger. "He grew successful but the spot by his side was left empty. His heart was empty. "

She placed her hand on my cheek lovingly. " You are like a butterfly in his life, Saanvi. You brought back those colours in his black and white life." She pulled me into a hug. "I don't want him to lose you!" " I don't want to give him up either. But...why is he breaking up with me? What was my mistake? How will I understand him if he doesn't speak his heart?" "My son is such a Dumbo!" She shook his head in dismay. "We can only conclude that he is intimidated by her again." I looked at her as she folded her arms over her chest and frowned. "That Kapoors are trying to capture my son. I heard them planning to get her married to my son. They still think he is in love with her. Hmph!" I followed her and crossed my arms with a frown. " How dare she? Trying to snatch something that is mine." "We shouldn't let her succeed! Iam sure she brainwashed my naive son into thinking he is a burden for you. He must have fallen into her trap." So that was the case? Iam declaring war against that woman! I won't let her spoil our relationship! "But mom! I can't even talk to him. He completely shielded himself from me. I even went to the office." I pouted as I remembered how they banned me from entering. Using mom's name like last time didn't help either. "How do I help you Saanvi? Should I do something and delay him at home?" I shook my head. " No mom! He is hell bent on ignoring me. Nothing will work." We both let out a sigh at the same time. "I just wish for some miracle to take place and gift me an opportunity to talk to him." "My poor daughter! I hope I can be of any help." She patted my head lovingly. "Whatever happens, remember iam on your side." She cheered me which brought up my smile. I would have let him go if he really hated me but just because of some third party, I won't lose him easily. Maybe this is how it feels to fight for your love? Cheesy but absolute reality. I won't back down! Let the war begin!


Hope you enjoyed this chap❤️
Let me know how is it!
PS: I never knew I can write cheesy lines😅


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