Chapter 9

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"I guess it's time to leave now?" He asked as we walked. I looked at him and shook my head. "But..." I cut him off by shushing him with a finger on my lips. "The night is still young!" I said and winked. "What do you mean?" I just shrugged. We were walking in the dark with our torches on. As soon as we reached the beach, I switched it off. "Let's go! Time to loosen up!" I said and pulled him along with me. I jogged a little and stopped. I turned to him with a soft smile. "Let's dance?" I asked as he looked behind me at the crowd. "Party?" I nodded. He quickly looked down hesitantly. "Hey.... what's stopping you?" "You go! It's not good for you if I come along." He sounded sad! I released a sigh and looked him in the eye. "I think I guessed what's wrong with you! Your confidence! You are lacking it in reality! Professionally you are outstanding but in personal life, you are scared of people's opinions of you! Let go of that insecurity Laksh! Take whatever life is offering! Try to live every moment!" I said and forwarded my hand. "Trust me when I say, these people never judge! This place is different! You will love it!" He stared at me for some time when finally, he held my hand. I gave him my big smile before leading him to the beach party where music was loud and freedom was high in the air! People looked at us but they kept dancing. "You will find different people here! Don't worry! They will never judge!" I assured him as I started swaying to the music. He started looking around. I quickly snapped my fingers in front of him to gain his attention. "Dance!" I said while I kept swaying softly. He started to move slowly. "Don't tell me you don't know how to dance!" I screamed to which he scoffed. He went up to the DJ and the girl gave him a thumbs up. Soon the music changed and there he was, dancing freely. People followed while I just kept staring at him. His soft hairs, wet at the ends, kept falling over his forehead. His muscles flexed at times with his dance moves. The free look on his face screamed 'happiness'! His smile was plastered on his lips which changed whenever his expression did. His moves were fierce which clearly showed he is a far better dancer than I am! Scratch that! I ain't even a dancer compared to him. His graceful presence loosened up the atmosphere as people looked ten times more cheerful. Our eyes met as he looked at me with a playful smirk. I shook my head and looked down as I blushed. "Did I change your impression, ma'am?" He asked as he came to me. "Yes, your highness!" I gave him a dramatic bow. We kept swaying to the beats talking occasionally. "Next time I'll show you how to dance together!" He said proudly as we walked out of the crowd. He was walking forward while I looked at him from behind. He was admiring the sea while I was admiring him. He suddenly turned to me with a playful smile. "Don't tell me you are drained!" I raised my eyebrow at him while he started to run with me hot on his trail. He tripped and fell on the sand which gave me access to get down and tickle him. He was laughing loudly while I tickled him. "Ha...ha....stop! ......not there.........aaaa!" He was ticklish! One note to be taken! He looked breathless so I spared him and sat down. He was panting as he sat up. I was looking at the sky when he attacked him. Shit! I'm dead! I am way too ticklish than him. "Stop.......Laksh! Ha ha....I'm sorry! Please..." He continued tickling me without any mercy! "Aaa......Laksh! Spare me!" And he stopped. We were both panting as we looked at each other. This was one of the best moments of my life! "Thank you, Saanvi!" He whispered as he got up. "Pleasure is all mine!" I winked at him as I got up. "Time for our dinner! Let's go!" This was said by him. I didn't question him any further as he lead me to a restaurant nearby.

"Please don't tell me that we need to leave now!" He was pointing at the drizzle outside. "I didn't expect this!Guess we are stuck!" We were at the restaurant when the wind started blowing. A part of me is happy to be trapped with him while the other part is worried a little. Where will we stay tonight? We can't just spend time here! I hope we get some private place for ourselves! "Hello, dad! Yeah! I know! We are in a safe place but we are stuck here!" "You can use our company's guest house! I don't know if it is in a good shape! But you can still try!" "Thanks, dad! Send me the address!" "Let's go!" I pulled Laksh along with me. "We better get there before it starts to pour!" It was only a walk away from the restaurant! I just hope it is in a good shape! "Is it safe? Where are we going?" He asked as we jogged to our destination. "Our company's guest house!" We stopped at a wooden house. It looked fine for me but I don't know if the inside is good." It looks good! Better than the restaurant for a night's sleep!" He exclaimed as he went forward first. We took the key from the caretaker and got in. It felt warm and clean! "Thankfully!" I jumped onto a couch while he looked around. It has two rooms, a small living room, a kitchen with a dining table nearby, and a balcony. Thanks, dad! "Shit!" "What happened?" I asked worriedly. "I need to receive a very important document and now my phone is off!" Seriously!! He looked at me with pleading eyes! Uh uh! I can guess the thing coming. Without his notice, I long pressed the power button of my phone. I sensed its vibration while he spoke. "It is just a minute's work!" "Sorry, Laksh! Even my phone is dead!" I showed him my phone feigning innocence! He sighed as he put his phone on the table. Everything is sorted out, now what? I can hear my heartbeat! It is my first time alone with a guy! What should I do? Should I just act normal? "Coffee?" He asked suddenly. Now? Something to shake off this weirdness! Accept it, idiot! My subconscious snapped at me. I nodded and he got up. We heard a thunder and everything blacked out. "L..Laksh!" "Don't be scared! I am right here!" Damn! I shouldn't have switched off my phone and now I can't locate it! We heard another thunder followed by the most awaited downpour! As much as I loved this, I still hate the pitch darkness! "Saanvi! Where are the candles and matches?" "Either in the top shelves of the kitchen or near the tv. Please hurry!" After that, I didn't hear him speak! Did he leave me here? No no Saanvi! He won't! Stop overthinking! I stayed rooted to my place. I was scared to the point that I flinched even at the sudden sounds. People weren't lying when they said everything seems spooky when you are alone and surrounded by darkness. The only thing is I ain't alone or was I? "L..Laksh! Are you there?" Still no response! I gulped as I heard the howling wind and my stupid mind started playing the spooky music behind. I was scared! My mind started reeling all the horrible scenes from horror movies. I was seriously scared out of my wits! I heard my name from behind. I couldn't turn back! Is it some ghost calling me? I screamed when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey! Relax! It's me! Calm down!" I heard his soothing voice. I quickly turned and hugged him tightly. He stilled but didn't say anything! "I am scared of darkness!" I mumbled when finally I felt him hug me back. I calmed down in his embrace! Is this warmth that I feel? Is this the so-called peace that I feel in his arms? If this is so, I love it! I took a deep breath of his scent and my heart spelled the one word that it felt! Safe!


Hola! Readers! I missed u too! It's been long right! Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know in your comments! I will try to update as soon as possible! Stay safe everyone!
I purple u💜
Love u guys😘 and yeah...keep supporting😄

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