Chapter 7

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Seriously!! Is he gonna ignore me again? I looked at aunty who was sending glares to Laksh! He sat and filled his plate. There was a moment of silence before aunty spoke. "So where are you people going!!" She asked with excitement in her eyes. "Office!" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. A date in the office! It's a good idea. Maybe I will plan our next date there. "Laksh!! You can take leave today!" Aunty spoke while hitting the uncle's hand which was going for the sweets. Uncle pouted and ended up drinking juice. " And why should I? I have got work to do and meetings to attend." He said and looked at his mom with a blank expression. " Saanvi came to meet you! You can't send her back like that!" She said softly but I can feel that the volcano is about to erupt. Laksh looked at me and I raised my eyebrows waiting for his words.  "Sorry, Saanvi! I am busy today. I hope you understand." I released a sigh and looked down. I felt dejected. I get nothing at the end. "Mr. Laksh Arora!! You are going on a date with Saanvi and that's final!" The volcano has finally erupted. Aunty's voice was loud and clear! Laksh looked at her and I can sense the battle starts. " Mom! I really have work to do! I can't ignore it for my personal reasons!" "Businessmen should balance their personal and professional lives!" " I have an important meeting today. I can't miss it!" "Oh! But I remember you saying that you don't have any important work today and that is the reason you slept long! Where did this sudden important work come from!" She folded her hands across her chest as if she is a detective, interrogating a criminal! I sucked in my lips to stop my laughter. This mom and son fight is funny for the third person. " My secretary called to inform me! I really have work!" She narrowed her eyes at him and continued. " Okay then! If this work is important, your dad will take care of it! Right?" And they turned to the uncle who was busy gobbling up sweets. He quickly put it down and looked at them nervously. This proves that he wasn't listening to their fight. I clenched my fists to stop my laughter because it was really a funny sight to see. " Uh....yeah! Laksh! You should listen to your mom!" He said and aunty hit his hand. " I'm telling him that you will go to the office in his place today!" He shrugged and gave out a nervous laugh. "Yeah! Sure! Why not! I will go! No big deal!" Laksh shook his head and filled his plate with fruit salad. " Dad! It's been too long since you worked! You won't be able to handle it!" And guess what ladies and gentlemen....with that one sentence our silent and calm Uncle joined the battle. " What do you mean young man! Don't forget that I used to manage our company when you were still a kid!" Laksh knew that if uncle joined the other party, he would lose the battle! " I didn't mean that dad! I was just ..." "Just what? Saying that I am old and I can't work now! Listen up, young man! I may be old but inside my system is still young! I can do anything that you can and can't do! So Don't you dare question my ability!" I bent down to laugh silently cause this family fight is really funny! I composed myself and looked up to see aunty giving questioning looks to the uncle who scratched his head and smiled at her. " So it is decided! You are going on a date with Saanvi and your dad will manage the  'important' work for you!" Finally, the battle is won by aunty and uncle. Laksh gave a nod and went back to eating his salad. Aunty took the plate and Laksh was confused. " Enough of your eating! Now go and get ready! Saanvi has been waiting for long!" I giggled when he gave me a whining look that didn't go unnoticed by me. He rarely shows his cute side and I shouldn't miss them. He stood up and went to change. I finished my juice and thanked them for helping. " No need for that child! He is just being stubborn!" Uncle said and took a sweet which was caught by aunty. " You should stop eating now! Look at your tummy!" She scolded and passed the plate of sweets to me. They were a cute family and to think that I will be one of them in the future is just heartwarming.

I was texting my dad the whole scene when manly perfume hit my senses. I looked up and turned to him. Time stopped and my heart skipped a beat! Too filmy to describe but that was what I felt at this moment! He descended the stairs while pulling at his sleeves a little. He was wearing a full hands t-shirt which was half grey and half white. His hair was messy and he finished his informal look with proper accessories and sneakers. I was stunned for a few moments. "Ho-ho! You look more handsome than your dad!" His mom spoke and I quickly averted my gaze. What was I doing! I must have given him that drooling look! What will he think of me!! "Let's go!" He said softly and I quickly nodded. My ears heated up and I was chewing my inner cheeks to stop myself from smiling. "Saanvi!" I turned back to see aunty and uncle. I quickly gave her a hug and thanked her. "Take care!" She kissed my forehead and smiled.

I was laughing hard and clutching my stomach when I clearly heard his stomach cry for food again. I remembered how aunty snatched his plate from him. He was looking away as I giggled. " You shouldn't have put up that stubborn act!" I said as I took a turn. Laksh drove till we reached the outskirts and from there I took up driving. " Where are we going?" He asked again. "Surprise!" I said and took another turn from where the thick woods started. "We have been traveling for hours!" He complained as he looked around for anything familiar. I never knew that he would have this side of him that I am actually enjoying. He took out his phone and shook his head in disbelief. "Why do I feel like you are kidnapping me to serve your animal friends cause's an unknown place and there is no network!" I laughed and replied. "Uh....maybe not! My animal friends spare handsome guys." I looked at him and winked. He turned towards the window and there was a precise silence after that! "So....any girlfriends?" I started the convo. He looked at me while I concentrated on the road. He sighed softly and shook his head." Any crushes?"  I turned to see him looking at a distance without blinking. I snapped my fingers to gain his attention. "I just asked you about your crushes and it seems like you are still counting." I joked and looked for the metal board and parked the car in front of it. He looked around as I came out to get our backpacks. "What is this place? Why did you park the car by the roadside?" "Read that," I said and pointed at the metal board. It was a little dusty so he cleaned it before reading it aloud. " Welcome to the Cynefin. Enjoy your Shinrin - yoku!" He looked at me with pure confusion written on his face. I giggled and gestured him to turn the board.
          "Hello! It's been a long since I saw you! Came to visit me again? Come in! I am waiting for u❤️
         Ur first time? Hop on! It will be ur best day today❤️
                                    ~Mother Nature"
I was waiting for his reaction when he smiled at me. "Those are the words that nature lover understands.'s a Welsh word for a place where, the nature around you, feels right and welcoming. Shinrin - yoku is a Japanese word which says....a walk in the forest for relaxation." He nodded slowly and looked at the board again. I handed him his backpack. " It contains some necessities for us." He looked into the woods and a smile crept over his lips. Guess I didn't make a mistake in planning my date. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "Let's go!!" I  gestured towards our destination and he nodded with a smile. We have got a long way to cover and a lot of smiles to share. I just hope our date ends in a beautiful way.


Hello! Hope you enjoyed the chap. I hope u r all doing fine!
     I Purple u💜💜
           Stay safe🤗

Ps: Don't ask me abt the places!! It's all made up!! Btw...any nature lover?

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