Chapter 3

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"Mom! Just look at me!" I said but she was pouting as usual. " Hey...dear!" I said but she wasn't even looking at me. " Talk to me mom! You know that I don't like it if you ignore me." She sighed and looked at me. " It's just....that girl is good enough for you....why did you reject! If you keep doing this then there won't be any girl left for you in this world." I held her hands and gave her a smile. " Iam just waiting for the right one!" " Keep waiting and I will die soon without holding the heirs and heiresses of our family! Look at your sister! She is already pregnant with the second child and you??" " Iam sorry Mom! Iam helpless." I said but she looked at me furiously. " No! Iam not gonna die without seeing your kids. Iam angry right now! Tell me Mr.Laksh Arora! What are you willing to do for me to forgive you!" I sighed and bowed down my head. " Iam at your mercy Mrs. Raghav Arora! Tell me what to do!" I said. " Fine then! Listen to my decision carefully now! We are going for only one more match and if you reject even that one then you need to marry the one I will choose for you!" I looked at her and she looked damn serious about this. I looked at my dad and he gave a helpless smile. " Fine mom! Whatever you decide I will follow!" I said and went up to my room. This is how iam going to end! My search for my true love is not gonna complete! I will never find one or is there anyone destined for me? Why is god so unfair? What mistake have I done to deserve this! I sat down by the window and looked up at the sky.


"The patient's condition is stable! You don't have to worry! She will be ready to deliver within a week!" I said and saw the relief on the husband's face. Good to see that he loves his wife. I excused myself and went into my cabin. I switched on the computer and was going through the patients list. When I was completely indulged into my work, my phone started ringing. " Hey Mom!" " Saanvi!" She was yelling. " What is it mom! Why are you shouting?" "I told you there is a match! A good one for you! Come home early!" I closed my eyes and started thinking of some excuse. " Uh....I have got emergencies mom!" "Good to hear your excuses! Stop lying and come home if you don't want me to come to your hospital and drag you by your ear like a kid!" "No! Iam on my way!" I said and cut the call. Mom can do anything so I'd better don't take a risk! Huh! A good one? Must be another clown! What else! I finished my work and left the hospital. "Saanvi! Where the hell are you! They have already come. Don't play any tricks you little girl. Iam telling you..... I need you to show up in 10 minutes." She said and cut the call. What the hell! What should I do if iam struck in a traffic jam?

I quickly removed my sandals and got into the house. " Finally you decided to show up!" It was my mom who taunted. The guests were sitting in the hall so I couldn't escape them. I put up a smile when I went up to greet them. "This is our daughter....Saanvi Shetty."
I saw the lady as she stood up and came to me. She held my hands and there was something in her eyes that I couldn't point out. No one ever showed me such affection during this match making. " Hello aunty!" I said and she just looked at me, smiling heart fully. " She is beautiful! Isn't she?" Her husband smiled back when I looked at him. Slowly my eyes tried to search for the match who was actually missing. The lady seemed to understand my signal and answered my unasked question. " He went to take care of few things. If you don't mind can you wait!" " Yeah sure! I should actually thank you for waiting for me. Iam sorry I couldn't make it on time." " Oh don't say that dear! Go and get freshen up. By the time you come down, he will be here!" That sounds good. " Ok. Feel free aunty!" I said and went up to my room. I had a warm and relaxing shower. Today was a little hectic. I wish I can just sleep right away. But that lady was sweet. I guess at least for her I need to look at her son. I got ready in my casuals and got down. Mom was setting the table so does that mean we were going to have a meal?? That's good! No problem for me. I looked at the lady and she was talking to a guy whose back was faced to me. Must be her son! The lady looked at me and she signaled her son to turn to me and he did! I looked at him and stared at him. "Hello! Iam Laksh Arora!" " Hi....Iam Saanvi Shetty!" We shook hands. He was different. Half of his face was burnt. But I guess that didn't matter. All mattered was the way he represented himself. He was in his suit...his white shirt with his top two buttons open, his royal blue coat was hanging on his hand and his tie was loosely wound around his neck. His hair looked a little disheveled. All these made him look unique among all others. He was the first I saw who showed up in a messy way. His eyes were a bit tired and that showed how hard he worked. " Let's have the meal." My mom broke my thoughts and all of us made our way towards the dining hall. My mom was seated beside my dad and the lady sat beside her husband. That left only two chairs side by side for both of us. He pulled up his sleeves and when I looked at him, he smiled weakly. He looked more tired as compared to me. Our meal started and the elders kept chatting while we just ate in silence. I don't know why but at times my eyes travelled to him and when he looked back, I just smiled. I guess this match is different. After we finished our meal, we sat in the hall. His mom was looking at me while I looked at him. He was looking down and was deep in thoughts. His facial expression looked disturbing. Now is my time. " Laksh! I want to talk to you!" I said and he looked at me in confusion. " Well my son used to be the one to ask but now you are the first one to do that." The lady beamed with happiness and Laksh stood up. We went up to my room and I slowly opened the door. I don't even know how my room was!. I just hope so that it isn't dirty. Thankfully it isn't that dirty. "So...this is my room! Don't misunderstand that I am neat and clean's just luck that it isn't that dirty today. " I confessed honestly and he smiled. God! Did I say that his smile is really cute! He started looking around my room. He looked at the pictures on the wall and even saw my collection of books. " Let's go to the balcony!" I said and we made way to the balcony. The cool breeze was soothing. " Relaxing right?!" I said softly and he looked at me. " What do you wanna talk?" He asked and I sighed. "About yourself!" I leaned on to the rail. " Iam Laksh Arora. I have an elder sister who is married and is living in Germany. Iam the heir to the Arora enterprises." Looks like he is gonna turn out just like others. " What do you do?" I asked. " Pardon?" " I asked what do you do? Apart from taking over your family's business, what did you do by yourself?" I was waiting for the same usual answer but that wasn't what I got! " I developed a gaming company on my own. After I graduated, I started a gaming company which went down terribly. My dad told me to sell it but I loved it and I wanna do something of my own and hence I held onto it. My dad took care of our company while I put my efforts on my company. Now it's earning good. Next I won over a jewellery business and established a pearl business. I got my hand over it too. Now recently I have started to think about the eco-friendly mall which can be used by all classes of people from poor to rich." I looked at him without even blinking an eye. He looked back at me. 'Just what I wanted' I thought.


She was the first one to be so daring and ask me such things. The only one who asked me about what I myself achieved. She already scored points and now is my turn to ask her. " What do you do? What actually is your qualification?" " start qualification is, Iam a doctor and my specialty is gynaecology. I believe in earning on my own with no dependency. To be honest I even appreciate the fact that you do something on your own. I guess that's different from all others I faced." She actually said I was better than the other guys?? No no! I must have misunderstood! But it's obvious that she said that clearly! But I guess it's time to ask the last question. "Iam gonna ask you directly!" I turned and she gave me her full attention. " If in future, I get bankrupt and I need to fight for living, will you be there with me and face any difficulty?" My heart was pounding. " I don't break promises and I guess during the marriage we promise that we are gonna support each other in all the situations! Marriage is a sacred bond! I am sure that I won't break this bond for silly reasons! This bond is like a seed we plant. Supporting, understanding,loving, fighting, these all are like the manure and water for the seed to grow into a beautiful tree." She said and with every word she uttered, my heart fluttered with happiness. "I guess... It's a Yes from me!" She said but no! I can't let this happen! She is such a good woman and if at all she gets tied to me, her world will come crashing down! For her sake... " It's a no from me ! Iam sorry!" I said with a heavy heart! I don't know what the hell is my problem! I search for the right one and when my heart is saying that she is the right one, iam rejecting her?? But I guess it's for her own good! She is an awesome woman and I don't deserve her!


Hey there! Surprise! I missed you too guys! So .... Now that they finally met what do you think about what's gonna happen? Let me know what do you feel about the chapter. Keep supporting me guys ....

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