Chapter 15

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Let me think. He is wearing navy blue. What color should I choose to pair with his'? "Offo! Didi! Just go with the dark blue one. Why are you even taking this long?" My sister was munching on potato chips as she lay on my bed while I was trying out different sarees. " Should I go with Lehenga then? The blue and gold one?" She shook her head and stood up on the bed. "You can't do that dumb ass!" I rolled my eyes and glared at her. "What? Aren't you? 28 years old and you want to attend a gathering wearing a lehenga?" She crossed her arms across her chest and looked at me. "What does age have to do with the dressing?" "Ofcourse! You are going to get married in their family. You need to look elegant and presentable. Saree is the best to impress anyone including my brother-in-law." She winked at me and heat rushed to my cheeks. "But...."
"Wear this. It will be fine." I groaned and fell on the heap of clothes. "Aah! Why is it so hard? It's harder than all those medical exams I gave!" Meena fell beside me as we both looked at the ceiling. "Nothing is hard Di. You are just making it tough. Take it easy, Doctor." I chuckled at her words. "I don't know Meenu. I just have this bad feeling at the pit of my stomach. Something is unsettling. I feel like something is going to happen." It was true. I really have a bad feeling. "Regarding your proposal? Don't worry. Based on his behaviour with you, I can tell he is in love with you. So chill. He will accept it and you will have your marriage in no time." "I don't know...." She quickly turned to me. "You must be having a bad stomach. I told you to take it easy with the pizza. Now are having a bad stomach and you are messing it with something else." I glared at her and she pulled out her tongue. "You two girls....oh my god. What is this mess?" We both turned to look at our mom who stood shocked at the door. " Didi is preparing for tonight's function mom." She jumped off the bed and slumped down on the couch with her chips. "And you? Look at you eating like a pig. You should eat healthy." Meena just shrugged as mom and me started clearing the pile of my clothes. "Wear a saree and get presentable. All eyes should pop out when you enter. My daughter should be the star of tonight's gathering." My mom tucked my hair behind my ear and looked at me lovingly. "Look at you all grown up." I looked at Meena and she just shrugged. "Why is my mom showering me with love today? To what do I owe this honour?" She smiled and sat down. " Whatever happens, stay strong. We are always with you." "Mom! Stop with this emotional drama now." I pinched her cheeks playfully and left my room. I want to look the most beautiful for you, Laksh.


Mona applied the red lipstick and pouted at the mirror. "Perfect!" She exclaimed as she looked at herself one last time. "You know what to do right?" Her dad asked her again as they gathered in the hall ready to leave. " Yeah dad. You don't have to worry about it. He is heads over heels for me already. All I need to do is smile and he will fall again." She ran her fingers through her curls and set her dress again. She was wearing a maroon coloured dress flowing down her legs and onto the floor. Her shoulders were bare with a single silk strap crossing over her chest and connecting behind. Her neck was adorned with a diamond set complimenting her dress. Her hair was set down with her curls running over her shoulders and her bare back. " We would have already made it out if you accepted his proposal back then. You had to reject him for a moron who was useless to me. " His business was going down and he knew that it won't take long for them to go bankrupt. They really need the cooperation from the Aroras to stand in the market. The only way for it to happen is to let his daughter marry him. He was known to the fact that Laksh Arora had proposed to his daughter in his college days and his daughter being a fool rejected him. He was a fortune for him but she had to reject him for some moron at that time. Mona was head strong and was in a misconception that he still loved her. She was unaware of the fact that Laksh was already in love with Saanvi. Mona was nothing more than a nightmare for him. "He will be drooling as usual and will be glad that Iam allowing him to marry me. Don't worry dad. Iam his weakness. I don't even have to lift a finger and the work will be done!" She smirked. "Being too overconfident can be your downfall. Just try to be nice to him." She rolled her eyes mumbling an okay. The stage was set for the drama. Only the ones true to their love shall pass this. Saanvi was preparing for her love proposal. Laksh is just anxious about the event. Mona is too overconfident. With all the emotions mixed, the sun soon set, giving birth to the long night.

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