Chapter 12

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I looked at him with a challenge. "Move aside and let's talk." He whispered softly but I held the arm rest firmly. "Hmm! Let's do that! Let's have a talk!" I said and leaned in more close to him. He was trying his level best to put some space between us but the chair just won't open itself. I smirked as he grew more uncomfortable from our position. "Saanvi! Move so I can..." "So you can what! Run away again? And ignore me as usual?" I raised my eyebrow as he kept staring at me. "Listen to me Saanvi! Let's talk more .... know what I mean!" He looked at me expectantly while I shrugged my shoulder. "We are! Aren't we?" I tilt my head to a side feigning innocence. "Let's sit down and...." He was searching for proper words to convey his discomfort. I stood my ground waiting to see his next step. Just how will he handle this situation! "C'mon Mr. Laksh Arora! Talk! Iam waiting." At this moment I can smell his cologne and I fought the urge to close my eyes and take it in. I should display my anger. "Calm down first and move so we can sit down properly and sort this out." He finally spoke but it wasn't enough for me to let go of this play. I was starting to enjoy this. I smirked as I leaned forward till our noses made contact and looked into his eyes. " Make me!" I challenged him and made a little space cause I don't want him to hear my heart beat which took up. "Saanvi! Listen to what ..." He was still trying to talk it out with me to move but I wasn't backing. " If you make me move, I will listen to whatever you say!" I offered to him and winked. He looked at me with a contemplating look and sighed. " Will you really listen to me then?" He asked and I nodded. "Make me move from this position and my ears are all yours!" He sighed softly as if debating with himself. He was quick in his actions as if he has done it many a times. He caught one of my wrist and tugged it with a jerk and kicked my leg from behind making me lose my balance. His other hand wrapped around my waist firmly and he got up swiftly, his body making contact with mine briefly. He turned my body and softly pushed me to the table trapping me in between himself and the object. He looked at me with an apologetic look while my heart was thumping hard. He quickly made space and cleared his throat. "Sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to ..." "You win! Let's talk!" I said as I walked out of the room. How can this man just mess up my system like that? I am having an adrenaline rush right now and my stupid heart is just dancing again! Should I just get it checked?

"I was really busy since then! I didn't even notice that my phone went dead in the mean time. I should have given you call or a text atleast. Iam sorry!" He apologized again. How can you be angry at such an adorable human? You are so mean Saanvi! I took a sip of my juice as he stared at me. "I am sorry too! I just made a scene out of nothing! I should probably apologize to your employees as well, for creating trouble!" Now I was feeling guilty! Great! "How was your day?" He asked with a smile which can melt me right now. "It is good now that I met you!" Geez! You are becoming cheesy! My inner self was full on mocking mode today! "Why don't we go out? Anywhere is fine!" I proposed and his smile faded away. He is expressive! Point noted! "Iam sorry Saanvi! Iam really packed up right now! My company is going to release a new game in a few days. My team hasn't done a good job on it. I need to work overtime to fix the bugs. Iam sorry! I mean it!" "Don't apologise. It ain't your mistakes! It's fine!" I was actually feeling a little down. I thought we will get to spend some time. I even took a fake leave. " If you don't mind....can I just hang around?" I looked at him with my puppy eyes. " I won't be a nuisance at all. I will hang around. Just watch you as you work. We will atleast get a few minutes of break time. Let's consider it kinda 'office date' " He looked at me with wide eyes as if what he just heard was impossible to be true. "Hmm" He just nodded lightly and finished his juice. I looked down with a smile knowing I was being too clingy. But why doesn't it feel bad! Why does it feel awfully satisfying?

I looked around his office and kept staring at him while he spoke to his employees. There was this girl named Shreya who was his personal assistant but iam relieved that she is professional and she doesn't look at him with other feelings. He looked serious when he worked without noticing me. He was writing, typing, talking on the phone, he was doing everything that made me want to keep staring at him. He put his pen between his lips as he sorted his papers and that made me notice his lips. Perfect kissable lips! How would it feel to kiss them or have them kiss you! He was talking on the phone as I stared at his moving lips. He was completely unaware of this hungry tigress eyeing to devour him. How can anyone miss this perfect human and leave him for me! Well! I am not foolish to let him go! I won't let you go Laksh! Just like he heard me saying these words, he looked at me and smiled. Maybe he thought I was feeling bored. How dare I to feel bored when I get to feast on this perfect meat? Did you just say meat! Hold yourself Saanvi! You are turning wild with your thoughts! I shook my head and looked down at the magazine which was upside down. I quickly turned it upright. Hopefully, he didn't notice! Did he?


We had our dinner in our cabin and I was back to working again. I really felt guilty of leaving her unattended all this time. I shouldn't have agreed to her stupid request. 'Office date' I never heard of that. She must have felt bored to her bones. I tried my best to finish my work soon but the work kept piling up. All the evening she wandered in the office and checked out my books in the shelves. I often felt her eyes lingering on me. Maybe she was cursing me or might be feeling regretful in the first place. " The materials you checked is sent safely sir. Is there anything you need sir?" "Thank you for today Shreya!" She gave me a bow and left. I stretched my body and my stiff joints settled with ticks. I looked around and found her on the sofa. I made my way to her and found her sleeping peacefully. I smiled softly as I bent down to check if she was half-awake. "Saanvi! It's time to go home!" I whispered but she didn't budge. She was sleeping peacefully that I didn't get my guts to wake her. What should I do? It was 10:20 pm and her parents must be worrying about her. Did she inform them? Taking her home is the only thing to do now. Should I carry her? I atleast owe her this! I placed her bag on her and securing my arms around her, I lift her. Shreya was packing her stuff when she looked at us. She gave me her wide smile as we left. I carefully settled her in the front passenger seat and secured her with a seat belt. I watched her lips move and murmer something that made me smile and feel happy. "I like you Laksh Arora!" It was a soft murmer almost inaudible but I heard it. I felt happy!


Hope u enjoy!

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