Chapter 22

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I set the table for our meal and avoided their gazes. They kept staring at me with concern. "Saanvi. Let me do it." Charita snatched the napkin from me. I quickly left without a word. "Di! Your favourite book is updated. Don't you want to read?" Meena tried as I climbed up the stairs and made it to my room. "Wait..." I quickly shut the door on her face. This has been my routine since 2 days. After that sorrowful encounter, I didn't wanna talk to anyone. I lost my appetite and interest to do anything.

"Are you gonna keep doing this?" I turned back to see Brinda standing by the bed. "Why are you here? I don't want to talk." She let out a sigh and pulled me down to sit on the bed. " Doing this is making everyone upset. Think straight, Saanvi. How would they feel? How would Megha feel? Doing this will hurt her. For god's sake woman, chin up. You can't act this way." She was panting after practically yelling at me. Brinda is a very mature woman. Being a psychiatrist, she reads people and their emotions like an open book. Her opinion is to control your emotions and think about your surroundings first.

"Iam sorry Brinda." I whispered softly. "I know you are hurt, Saanvi. He hurt you with his words. You said it yourself right? If he rejects you himself, you won't bother him again and move on. Then what is this?" I looked down. "Moving on sure is hard." I gave out a humorless chuckle.

She opened the door, letting in people. "Let it go, Saanvi! He ain't the last guy." "Exactly! Have you seen Ritvik's friends? They are cute and hot." Brinda gave Megha a hit to stop her from talking further. "Sorry guys. I shouldn't have done this. Iam sorry yaar, Megha." She came forward and hugged me. All of them followed her and crushed me. "Aah! I can't breath!" They giggled as they stood up. "Fine! Let's go!" Megha clapped. " Go where?" Charita asked as she fell on the bed.

"For drinks obvio! I miss drinking with you guys! Let's drink tonight!" She screamed. "Are you crazy? If aunty gets to know, we are D E A D!" Brinda motioned her finger across her throat, showing the warning. "Offo! Do you think Iam stupid? She wouldn't know!" Megha slowly closed the door and turned to us with an evil smile. "Tonight the elders are conducting a prayer mass for blessing the soon to be couple. It wasn't in the plan but my grandmother said she dreamt about something bad and wants to conduct this prayer." We exchanged looks as she continued. "And as a matter of fact, we will be left alone! I have cleared the rooftop and arranged everything that is needed." She looked up proudly. "Isn't this fishy? And what happens if they arrive and find us all in drunken state. I have a bad feeling about this." I said with worry lacing in my words.

"Don't worry! They will be arriving tomorrow morning. Iam responsible for it. I will stay sober for you guys and send you to your rooms. They won't know! Trust me, I have volunteers!" We all let out a sigh as we thought it over. The idea was tempting for me but it may get us in trouble if the plan fails. "Saanvi! Don't worry. Infact we have Meena to help us out. She is not allowed to drink so if I won't be able to do it then she will." Meena gave a thumbs up.

"Fine! Lets drink! We need to loosen up too." Surprisingly, Brinda gave up. As she was the most reasonable one among us, we all gave in after her. Maybe after a drink, I may be able to reset myself.

5:10pm, We exchanged looks as the elders all loaded the cars with things required for the prayers. "I hate to leave you kids but you know about your grandmother. She can't stay still." Megha gave her a dramatic look and hugged her. "Don't worry ma! You will come back, tomorrow morning right? We will be fine. Don't worry about us." Charita and Meena were controlling their laugh while Brinda and I just stood there.

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