War Day 2: Trapped!

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After the good night rest, I had thanks to Kurogiri and the breakfast, I went to see AfO one last time before heading back to the game. They guy said he had something for me and wanted me see me before I went back. This was why I was currently in a room with him and Kurogirir.

Me: Can we make this short? I still want to terrorize a couple of students and have a tight schedule to follow.

It was a lie!

I never had a schedule to follow but I did have a plan and I wanted to get them out of the game. For me it was a game for them it was something more. I was sure that they knew that by now too.

AfO: I have a special sniper rifle for you.

Me: A sniper rifle?

AfO: Yes.

Me: Never used one before.

Kurogiri: Did you ever play paintball?

Me: Yes.

Kurogiri: Then I am sure you will be able to use it.

Me: Okay.... but I don't intend to kill anyone!

AfO: That's why this one is a special one. I had someone create some special bullets that wouldn't kill anyone. they would hurt and they will be wounded but once the bullet makes contact with blood it will block and seal the wound, so that they will not bleed out.

Me: So you wanna tell me there is a bullet that can actually wound them only to seal of the wounds so that they won't die but they will feel the full pain as if they were shot?

AfO: Precisely.

Me: Give me that!

AfO: I'm glad to see that you like it that much.

The riffle was given in my hand and I immediately began to inspect it. It was very light and it looked very nice too. I was sure that Snipe would have been jealous over me because of it.

 I was sure that Snipe would have been jealous over me because of it

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Kurogiri: Now be careful not to hurt yourself.

Me: Yeah yeah.

AfO: Let the kid have some fun with it.

Kurogiri: Are you even seeing him right now? He isn't even listening to what I am saying!

AfO: Ohh he is, right?

Me: Of course, I am!

Kurogiri: Oh really? Then what did I say?

Me: To be careful not to hurt myself. Now can you get me back! I want to try this beauty out immediately.

Kurogiri: Where to?

Me: On a rooftop near the hero's base.

Kurogiri: Fine.

Just like that I was sent back into the game.

Now let's see what do I do with them?

Ohh I know!

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