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This hug with Minho felt amazing but I needed to stitch up my wound.I pulled back and pointed to my stomach the blood oozing out faster than I expected it to be.

Minho followed my finger to my wound with his eyes going wide "Oh girly let's get you to the med-jacks".

I hoped the med-jacks was where they kept all there medical supplies so I nodded in agreement. We stood up and I put one hand on my wound pushing to try and stop the bleeding while Minho pulled my other arm around his shoulders.

The med-jacks where just down the hall as Minho had this morning. Minho pushed the door open and inside where two boys who both turned to see us. One had dark skin and was a little shorter than the boy that stood behind him with brown messy hair and freckles.

"Ha I told you Clint it was a girl, I get your desserts for a week now" The shorter one said pointing a knowing finger at me.

"Yea yea whatever" Clint shook his head.

"GUYS! she's hurt" Minho had to shout to get their attention back on their job.

I looked down at my hand now also covered in blood. Jeff came over to help take me to one of the cots to lay in and Clint started grabbing stuff out of a cabinet.

When Jeff touched me to try and guide me to the cot I slapped his hand away. This got him to step back. I let go of Minho and walked over to where Clint was getting stuff ready.

When Clint turned his head slightly and saw me standing next to him he freaked and turned to Jeff and Minho who didn't know what to do.

I looked at what Clint had grabbed a needle and some thread to stitch up my wound, some dettol to clean the wound and a gauze to wrap my wound with later.

Seriously I thought. I looked in the cabinet and I couldn't find some other stuff that I needed. "Minho" I said.
He walked up behind me snapping out of the daze that all the boys where in.
"I need honey" I said.

"What why do you need honey?" He asked.

"I need honey" I repeated.

"Jeff go get some honey from frypan" Minho said watching what I was doing.

I reached for my shirt that now had the bottom half covered in blood. I took the edge of the shirt in my fingers and ripped it until I could access my wound. I grabbed the dettol and put some on a cloth and started to clean up the area around.

I hissed in pain as it was stinging.
"Minho in my vest there is a container with five orange and blue flowers in it can you go get them for me" I asked.

"I don't want to go, your still hurt" he said.

"Well I'm going to remain hurt if you don't go get those flowers and be quick please" I said.

Minho left the room slowly but when he walked out the door he sped up into a jog.

Jeff and Minho returned at the same time along with another boy.

I took the flowers and honey from the boys and ignored the extra one that had tagged along.

"Fry what are you doing here" Clint said.

"My honey I wanted to see what the med-jacks needed it for, Jeff wouldn't tell me" Frypan said.

"I did tell you, I told you I don't know and I still have no clue" Jeff replied.

I took the honey and rubbed it into and around my wound. I took one of the flowers and rubbed it around my wound. When I touched my skin and I couldn't feel it I knew the numbing agent in the flowers was working.

I grabbed the needle and thread. I took a deep breath. Even with the numbing this is still going to hurt.

"Girly you should let the med-jacks stitch you up" Minho said.

I just glared at him and pushed the needle in and out. The last couple of stitches hurt a lot because the numbing agent had worn off. Once I was stitched up I cleaned it with more dettol and wrapped my torso up in the gauze.

Newt burst through the door. "Alby's coming" he said looking around at everyone in the med hut.

"That's our cue girly we got to go" Minho said grabbing my hand.

Newt, Minho and I took three steps out of the med hut before we where faced by a very angry and irritated looking Alby.

"Explain now!" He said to all of us.

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