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Minho's POV
They told me with every test they were getting closer to finding a cure, they told me their serums were improving, they told me this was the closest they'd ever come, they told me how much easier it would be if I stopped fighting. I was being as compliant as possible and they still wouldn't let me see Y/n. I didn't care what she'd become she needed support, I wanted to look after her. The only reason I agreed to do this in the first place was to save Y/n. They told me I could save her. I'm starting think they were lying.

I don't know how long I've been here for it's all started to blur together all I can do is eat, sleep and think about Y/n. Today we had taken a break from my usual testing for a meeting. I didn't care what they had to say unless it was about me being able to see Y/n. I sat in a sterile white room chained to the desk waiting which ever doctor dared to see me today. When the door whooshed open I was prepared to leap at them. Teresa stood there in her own lab coat that betraying bitch was being treated like royalty here. She clearly felt comfortable in her role.

"Minho" she whispered "Can you hear me?"

I didn't answer her, I wasn't going to answer her this bitch was going to get nothing out of me.

"There's a little girl here" she continued anyway "her name's Cheyanne, she's been infected for three weeks now and you're going to save her" I didn't care about this little girl as brutal as it sounded I only cared about my girl, where was Y/n?, was Y/n getting better? "Everything we're doing here, it's working" she smiled.

When I don't answer her and continue staring at the desk she gets frustrated "Do you understand?" She asks. Not changing my demeanour she seems to get worried "I just wanted you to know" she finished.

I don't care all I wanted to know about was Y/n and I was going to find a way to get to her.  "Teresa" I whispered trying to draw her in.

She whipped her head around surprised she heard something "Minho?" She questioned.

"Teresa" I said again. She eagerly bent down to my side surprised I wasn't brain dead and I pounced I grabbed her and slammed her into the desk "TRAITOR WE TRUSTED YOU!" I screamed throwing her down again "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH Y/N?!" I screamed and the guards rushed in pulling me off her not before I was able to slip her hair pin into my pocket. "I'LL KILL YOU" I screamed while being restrained, I'm going to kill them all. "TRAITOR" I yelled again before I was tased and and blacked out.

Y/n's POV
I needed to kill staying in this box was driving me mad not that I wasn't already. Why wouldn't they just kill me? Suddenly I felt a presence staring at me through the glass. Anger fuelled me, hers was the one face I could still make out.

"TRAITOR!" I screamed jumping at the glass. Oh I was gonna get her she'd be dead this time and yet I still couldn't get to her and it made me furious.

Teresa turned away and started talking to the lab-techs I saw everyday, the ones barely game enough to feed me.

"When can we start testing on this one?" She asks them referring to me.

"Janson gave strict orders that, that one was just for studying the phases of infection, we weren't to try and save it." The lady said still scrolling away on her desktop.

"No he told me she'd be the first we'd save" Teresa protested.

"Look at her, she's way past the gone, there's nothing we can do for her now." The lady said and Teresa have me one remorseful look before turning and leaving.

"TRAITOR!" I called out after her.

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