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Minho's POV
Y/n was asleep in an instant completely exhausted from her breakdown earlier. But I couldn't sleep, my mind was working, running over the conversation from before.

Y/n said she loves me.

She was so sad and overwhelmed by her emotions she didn't even realise she said it, which is making me worry if she even meant it.

But I know how I feel.

Here she was curled into my side, her head on my chest, hair messy and eyes puffy but she was beautiful and she was all mine. Her slow soft breathing moved her whole body up and down. Her eyelashes fluttered in her sleep as she dreamed. I had my arm slung over her and I felt at home.

Newt had been right. We have a connection and the connection is love.

I love Y/n but would I ever be able to tell her?
Well I can practice while she's asleep.

"I love you" I whispered into the cold night air. No one except the stars listing.

"Goodnight Girly"

Glade Girly | Minho x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora