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Y/n's POV
Climbing out of the manhole once my eyes adjusted to the light I saw that we were in an alleyway. An abandoned truck sat to the right. While everyone was still climbing out I decided to take a look.

"Don't go too far Hermana." Jorge called to me with out even looking in my direction before kneeling down to help Newt up.

The truck definitely wasn't going anywhere, it had been jacked up and was missing a wheel. Despite every inch of this thing being rusted over the doors still opened with a screech. I'm not sure what I was hoping to find so I started with opening the glove box. By the end of my short raid I had found a knife, a homemade shiv and a crowbar.

"What've you got there girly?" Minho said coming over to join me.

"A knife for you" I said handing him the knife "A shiv for whoever wants it and a crowbar for me."

"Let's put your crowbar skills to the test then." Minho said walking to the tray of the truck and pulling down a chest that sat on it.

Looking at him eagerly I swung down the bar at the lock and busted it open which gained the attention of our babysitter, Jorge. He walked over and stood behind us with his hands on his hips.

"Open it then." He said breathing down our necks.

Shamefully I reached forward and flipped the lid to reveal rows and rows of glass viles. Some of them empty, others were filled with some blue liquid. I picked one up and turned it through my fingers. "Bliss" I read the inscription aloud.

I turned to Jorge to see fear and regret on his face. "Shhh Shhh" he said hurriedly shutting the chest and ushering us back to the group. "Let's get out of here, stay close." He said to the group and off we went again.

"Jorge." I said desperately trying to catch up to his speed walking pace at the front of the group. When I was finally beside him I asked "What's bliss?" Feeling the weight of the vile I had in my hands now resting in my pocket.

"Not so loud Y/n" he whisper yelled at me frantically looking around to see if we had caught anyone's attention. "If the crazies think we have bliss we'll be swarmed to death."

"Why what is it?"

"It's a drug created my WICKED, it's a temporary cure to the flare." He sighed hoping answering me will shut me up.

"So they have a cure?!" I said in shock.

"I said temporary" Jorge looked at me sternly "But the amount we found back there could last someone a lifetime. That truck is probably a dealing station and seeing how we just broke into it, it's best we put as much distance between us and the stash as possible."

"Damn." I said falling back to walk with Minho who grabbed my hand when he saw my concerned expression.

"So have you decided who's getting the shiv?" He asked trying to cheer me up.

"Hmmm I'm thinking Teresa, I don't know her yet so maybe this could be a nice 'hello welcome to the group' kinda thing." I said pulling it out of my pocket.

"Be careful with her." Minho said quickly glancing at the girl.

"I will be Don't worry." I said leaning up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before making my way to Teresa.
"Hey" I said tapping her lightly on the shoulder to which she jumped at the contact. "Oh sorry" I said "I'm Y/n we haven't had the chance to talk yet."

"Teresa" she answered before looking back at her feet.

"You worried about Thomas?" I asked trying to look down into her eyes.

"Yea sorry" she said meeting my eyes this time. "I just- he's the only one that really knows me and I just don't trust that girl he's with. I know it's selfish but I want him to be alright."

"Hey it's alright, I know if it was Minho in that situation I'd be feeling the exact same way." I said placing a careful hand on her shoulder to which she placed her hand on top of mine with a soft smile.
"Anyway I found this and I thought you'd appreciate having something to protect yourself with." I said opening my hand to give her the shiv.

"Oh" she said slightly taken back "Uh- thank you"

"I know it's small but better than nothing." I said "Good luck Teresa." I glanced at her before going back to my boyfriends side.


I'm back and I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long so here's a double update for everyone that has stuck around.

Lots of love POVplayer1 🤍

Glade Girly | Minho x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें