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Y/n's POV
"Can't we hide him somewhere?" Thomas suggested.

And that's exactly what we did. Alby was tied up against an ivy covered wall the green foliage covering most of his body. Around us the walls where shifting and it was almost too dark to see what might be waiting for us.

"Shuck" I whispered as a wall clicked into place to reveal the shadow of a griever "Guys griever warning" I said pointing to it.

"Oh no, no what do we do?" Thomas said freaking out a little.

"Run" Minho and I said at the same time.

All three of us turned and bolted in the opposite direction. Minho and I where in front of Thomas by a couple paces and I could here the griever getting closer.

"Go, go, go!" Minho panted out "Don't look back."

As Minho and I turned a corner I ignored his advice to look back for Thomas. He had missed the turn off.

"Thomas?!" I called out and backtracked to find him.

"Y/n what are you doing!" Minho scolded.

I came to a stop and saw the boy climbing the Ivy while the griever followed him up. The griever would catch him I had to do something.

"HEY!" I called out and lobbed a small rock at the griever's head. It made a small chirp of realisation and turned its ugly head to face me.

Minho tugged on my arm "Now it's coming for us you shank" he said as we broke out into a sprint.

The griever leapt from wall to wall and rolled closer to us.

"Minho we need to split up!"

"What No!" He disagreed but I had already dipped into another hallway without him, the griever coming after me.
This is going to be a long night. I hoped I would see Minho again by morning.

Minho's POV
Y/n had slipped away and the griever had chosen her. I had no choice but to double back and try and find Thomas. I really hoped I would see Y/n again, I haven't gotten the chance to tell her that I love her yet.

That griever is chasing after her because of Thomas and even though it's not technically his fault all I want to do now that I have found him is beat his ass for putting her in danger but yelling would have to suffice "You crazy son of a bitch!"

Y/n's POV
I recognised where I was. This was the path to section three. The griever was still hot on my tail. I passed through the gloomy entryway of section three that neither Minho or myself had seen for over a month.

The griever was tracking me through the entrance when a pressure plate underneath one of the metal rods it uses for legs sunk down and locked into place with a satisfying *CLICK*. And before the griever knew what had been activated the walls slammed together crushing the goopy beast to death.

I winced in fear. What the hell just happened? That griever was dead and now I was trapped in section three, possibly with one to many grievers than I could handle.
Was I meant to step on that pressure plate? Was I meant to be dead? The sickly feeling flowing through my being told me yes.

I backed away not wanting to be near the gross flesh of the griever that already smelt like death. I had to keep going. I was slow finally the pain catching up and settling in. There would be bruising and scratches but nothing else so far. I walked cautiously keeping one hand on the wall to my left to steady myself.

I had never heard such quiet. There was no noise, not from grievers or insects not even a gust of wind to shake the ivy.

The moon was especially bright tonight making it look like the open passages where glowing. One of them in particular looked like it opened up to somewhere.

I felt a small flutter of hope. Could I have found the way out?, the very anticipated escape we all desperately craved?
Getting closer I saw green. I was sure my eyes weren't working properly or I was hallucinating but as the sun started to rise and I started to approach with more confidence I knew.

I stepped out of the maze and onto the dewey grass.
I was back.
My home.

"GUESS WHO's BACK BITCHES!" I shouted waking up all the girls so they could acknowledge that I had returned.

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