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Minho's POV
I had just come out of another horrible simulation. I was back in the glade all alone, it was eerily quiet and that's when I heard it.

"Don't be silly Minho" a little girls voice giggled.

I ran around the corner to see a little girl and a little boy playing together. That was little me. When they saw me they bolted on their scrawny little legs.

"Hey! Wait!" I called out after them chasing them down. They both went through a door I had never seen before and when I followed them I was in a dark stone hallway, it was like the maze but with a roof. I could see my breath of fear in the cool air as I shivered.

"MINHO!" It was Y/n I couldn't see her but she kept screaming it was like it was coming from every direction. I needed to rescue her.

"Y/N!" I called out and it went quiet, I didn't like that and then out of the corner of my eye I saw it. A Griever slimily croaked and began running at me it's metal limbs clacking on my stone surroundings. It chased me and just as I thought I was going to get away my arm froze mid air and my legs wouldn't detach from the ground. I yelled in frustration. And just like that I was swooped up to the ceiling.

"Y/N!?" I called again this time hoping she'd come back to save me but once again nothing. The griever came right up to my face, growling and spitting slime all over me. I couldn't stop shaking, I knew it wasn't real but I was still fully convinced I was going to die in that moment, so much so that it caused me to pass out.

I woke up back in my lone cell room, I was exhausted, I don't know how much more of this I could handle. I felt my life slightly slipping away. Without Y/n I was nothing. My poor girly was losing her mind, I was the only one who could cure her and I'm still not good enough to do that.

They refused to let me see her I can only imagine the pain she's in. I wonder if she'd recognise me if she saw me in the state that I'm in now? I couldn't do anything but lay in my cell, unmoving and think about Y/n.

Before I knew it I was being dragged from my cell again, I lazily let them put the handcuffs on me for their own safety as they moved me throughout the facility. They layed me down in a chair and I hadn't even noticed they dosed me with a sedative until it started to wear off. I could hear faint gunshots and yelling and the scuffling of hurried feet. I didn't understand but I knew now was my time to escape.

"Doctor he's coming out of it" I could hear someone say. So I pounced with Teresa's hair pin in hand I stabbed the leg of the nurse and knocked over the guard, barging my way into the hallway. If I was caught I'm sure Janson would kill me. Everyone was running and screaming it was pure chaos but I didn't care I just needed to get out of here. I saw a guard with his launcher raised yelling into the walkway blocking my escape. I ran at him body slamming him into the wall and throwing him through a window while screaming in his face, that shank never stood a chance. I look up and almost jump, there stood Thomas and Newt fully decked out in WICKED uniform.

"Minho-" they whispered in unison before embracing me in a hug, a much needed hug.

"Is this real?" I ask grasping at their shoulders as they nodded their heads eagerly. This was it, we were getting out.

Before we could debrief more guards came around the corner and started shooting and shouting at us. The air was alive with the buzz of the launchers and we just ran, something I haven't been able to do in a long time.

"Oh shit, quick in here." Thomas said directing us into a safe room while guards surrounded us outside.

"Wait no!" I tried to protest but Newt was already following in behind us and locking the door. "What about Y/n?" I asked. How would we get to her now, I didn't even know where they were keeping her. I saw Thomas and Newt exchange glances which let me know they hadn't even thought about Y/n, they expected her to be dead by now but she couldn't be. Y/n was going to be fine. I had to see her again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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