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Y/n's POV
We came to a vault door. We all pilled up against it still missing Winston and Aris, I hope they weren't captured. Thomas stroked the key card through the reader but it denied.

"Shit no" Thomas cursed.

"Try again." I urged but no matter how many times or how slow or fast we fed it through the door wouldn't open.

"Thomas" Janson said in his mighty degrading tone. He stood there with a group of guards behind him holding up clear shields that would normally be used at a riot, were we that much of a threat?

Thomas raised the gun and took a few powerful strides closer "Open the damn door Janson!" He shouted.

"You really don't want me to." Janson almost laughed raising his hands to show he wasn't holding a weapon.

"Do it!" Thomas shouted back.

"Just listen" Janson continued, he was stalling. "I'm trying to save your life," I cringed at him singling Thomas out. They only needed him alive the rest of us are doomed. "the maze was one thing but you kids wouldn't last one day in the scorch, if the elements don't kill you the cranks will. I only want what's best for you, you have to believe me."

I rolled my eyes at this and I could tell Thomas did to. "Yea let me guess" he mocked "WICKED is good."

Janson lowered his hands as a slimy grin slid onto his face "You're not getting through that door Thomas."

But like Janson had jinxed it I felt a whoosh of cold air as the door beeped open behind us. I turned to see Aris and Winston.

"Hey guys" Aris smiled with a small wave.

I pushed Jules towards Aris and I grabbed onto Minho's arm as we all tried to huddle through at the same time.

"Thomas come on let's go!" Newt called out to Thomas who was still inside.

Thomas took aim and started to walk backwards slightly losing his balance. But he couldn't get a clear shot at Janson as the guards with the shields moved in front of him to protect the RatMan.

"Thomas just leave it we have to go!" I called out as the gun jammed and the door started to close.

Thomas tried to throw the gun over to hit him in the head but turned to run before he could see if it hit its targets which it didn't.

Soon we had to crouch to see Thomas and all of the calls of encouragement blended into one. Thomas needed to make it and he did sliding under just in time his fingers almost getting crushed.

Aris ran up to the door and slammed a pole into the receiver so it couldn't be opened just as Janson slammed into it death glaring us all through the screen at the top.

I couldn't help but smile. We did it. Thomas was just as smug as I was and flipped the RatMan off before we all turned to leave.

"You little Shit" Janson said muffled through the door.

There where two knocked out guards one Winston ran to and scored a real gun the other Minho stripped of his backpack. "Let's get out of here." He said proudly.

We came to the faint door and flicked the red lever to open them. It was dark out there the night was crisp the only thing that we knew for certain is it was going to be sandy but anything was better than back in the hands of WICKED so we all ran hoping to lose our pursuers in the current sand storm.

Glade Girly | Minho x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें