🔳 ◻️▫️11▫️◽️ 🔳

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Minho's POV
I got out of the slammer early in the morning and headed back to my room. Most of the boys where still asleep except for a few runners that where doing their morning routine and stretches.

"Hey Minho" said Liam as I walked past him. Liam was a runner. He was quiet but very polite and smart. This boy noticed everything and anything it was these observation skills that made him a great runner.

"Hey Liam" I greeted back.

"So who's running where and what today?" Liam asked.

"Well you can run with Ben and Justin and Rohan can go together, I gotta stay today got some stuff in the map room to look after" I said pairing off the boys.

"Ok thanks, see ya" Liam said walking off, probably to go wake up Ben.

When I got to my room I was surprised to see that
Y/n was curled up under the sheets. She was still asleep. She looked so precious.

I went and laid down next to her. I soon to fell back asleep.

Newt's POV
I couldn't find Y/n anywhere around the Glade so I went to check her room only to find that it was also empty. In fact there was almost nothing in this room. It had the basics a medium sized bed, desk and chair along with a small dresser but the room looked like it hadn't been touched, ever.

I decided to check Minho's room. I cracked the door open slightly. Inside where two sleeping figures, both turned on their sides breathing heavily.

Minho had his arm wrapped around Y/n's waist pulling her close to his chest. Y/n was oblivious to this and slept soundly.

They fitted together perfectly and it was clear a bond is forming between the two.

As sweet as this little moment was a thought made it's way into my mind. Don't wake them up, yet.

I went to grab my disposable camera that came up in the box five or so months ago. Minho would never believe me if I didn't have proof and this allowed me to tease him a little bit.

I stood in the doorway of the room that had the suns soft glow making it seem warm and safe. I took a quick photo and put my camera back.

Only when I went to wake them up for real this time did I realise how stalker taking a photo of someone while there sleeping is but what's done is done. Hopefully Minho and Y/n won't see it that way.

Y/n's POV
There was a knock at the door that made me open my eyes slightly.

"When are you shanks going to get up?" Newt asked from the other side of the door.

I went to get up and open the door for Newt but when I tried to pull myself up from the bed a strong grip held me down. I winced a little as pressure was being put on my stab wound. I looked over my shoulder to see Minho. Of course who else would it be.

I gave Minho's arm a gentle tap to try and wake him up. It didn't work so I balled my hand into a fist and slammed it down on his arm. That worked so I threw his arm off me and went to the door.

"Owww girly, that hurt" Minho said cradling his arm.

"Sorry" I rolled my eyes at him to let him know I didn't mean it.

I pulled the door open to see Newt standing there. "Good morning you two" He said making eye contact with me and nodding towards Minho that was still sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Fry saved you guys some breakfast, let's go" Newt said not asking questions just moving on with his day.

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