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When we got to the base it was no more than a clearing with tents littered about. Sonya and Harriet split the crowd easily looking for someone called Vince.

"Who's Vince?" Thomas's asked

"He's the one who gets to decide if you stay." Harriet said.

"I thought this was supposed to be an army?" I said looking around at what seemed to be pure dysfunction.

"Yea we were this is all that's left of us, a lot of good people died getting us this far." A man said approaching the group. "Who are they?" He asks referring to us all.

"They're immunes, caught them coming up the mountain." Harriet said defending us.

"Did you check 'em" the guy asked testing his hand on his gun.

"We were in the maze with half of them." Harriet said "I trust them."

More men surrounded us, one of them pointing at Brenda as she collapsed, convulsing on the ground. They all drew their weapons, I immediately stood in front of Y/n only now realising how raged her breathing is.

"Brenda!, Brenda?!" Jorge got down on the ground cradling Brenda in his arms when she was unresponsive he looked up to the men "I don't know what's happening."

"Crank! We got a crank!" Vincent shouted pulling his gun.

"No! No no no" Jorge said doing his best to shield her from view. Thomas jumped in front of Vince trying to reason with him while the rest of us created a circle around her.

"Look this only just happened, I told her you could help, there's gotta be something you can do!?" Thomas pleaded.

"Yea there is something I can do, put her out of her damn misery." He said cold heartedly cocking the gun.

"NO! NO!" Jorge said as he was pulled off her.

"Vince! That's enough!" A lady came around the corner to our aid.

"She's infected Doc, there's nothing we can do for her." Vince said trying to put on the solemn act now. Shank.

"No but he can." She said pointing at Thomas.

"You know me?" Thomas asked as we all looked at each other confused.

"It makes sense they put you in the maze, though I must admit I was afraid they'd kill you after what you did." Mary said leaning down to check Brenda's pulse.

"What I did?" Thomas asked

"The first time we spoke you said you couldn't take it anymore, watching your friends die one by one. The last time we spoke you gave me the coordinates of every WICKED compound, trial and lab. You helped me escape, you gave us information that without which the Right Arm could not have existed."

"He was our source" Vince spoke up in disbelief.

After that we were welcomed like hero's. We were given fresh food and warm clothes and a tent of our own. They took Brenda to the med-tent and Thomas followed in a state of shock close behind.


"This is insane." I whispered to Y/n as we headed up the hill with cups of hot chocolate.

"I know right, this feels too good to be true" she said as we sat down over the looking the camp that had just excepted us like family, we were safe and it felt surreal.
"I can't believe we made it" she said sighing with a smile on her face and leaning on my shoulder. As Y/n melted into my side it reassured how much I love this girl, that I would do anything for her.
Have I told Y/n I love her yet?

I looked down at her and I felt butterflies swarm my chest "Hey Y/n" I said.

"Mhmmm?" She responded

"I love you"

Y/n lifted her head and I was met with soft eyes and a slight smile like she didn't know whether to smile or cry. "I love you too Min" she said a single tear of happiness fell down her cheek. She laughed and wiped it away before leaning up and pecking me on the cheek.

This gave me the confidence boost I needed as I placed my hand under her chin and brought her in for a proper kiss, our first one in several months. Our lips were dry but god a kiss had never felt better. We slightly pushed and shoved each other the kiss getting more and more passionate, I could see were this was going.

"Woah! Woah, Hey Hey!" Frypan said in shock covering his eyes and alerting the others that unbeknownst to us had followed us up here.

"Sorry guys we'll let you be." Newt said with a devilish grin.

"No no it's fine Newt stay." Y/n said hurriedly brushing back her hair looking at the dirt trying to hide the bright red blush on her cheeks.

The others took seats around on other rocks. We all sat together watching the sunset and soaking in what it felt like to be safe.

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